Pirated Stuff

Started by Doc, July 30, 2006, 12:45:37 am

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January 17, 2007, 08:31:18 am #30 Last Edit: September 02, 2008, 01:36:54 pm by JC
I asked my HK source to track down some Famicom pirates of Mario games, SF2 and Mortal Kombats.  He sent me this pic of a SF2 pirate, has anyone seen this?



Oh, that's neat. I've seen similar ones before. There was some sort of strange marketing competition between pirate makers, seeing how many characters they could put on a SF2 pirate cart. For instance, one company would make a SF2 "9 peoples" and then the next one would make a SF2 "12 peoples" and on. I'm surpised to see 56. It must be the same characters repeated, like they do with games on multi-carts.

You ought to ask your source to track down Super Mario World. :) Salivate.

Jedi Master Baiter

It's probably the same 8 characters repeated 7 times.  Try to find out the developer.

So far I've got Yoko, Cony, & one unknown company that made Street/Super Fighter III.


Thanks for the info, I told him to pick up the cart, I only pay like $3 or something for each of them so no big deal.  I told him to seek out any "not original", as he puts it, Mario carts as well as Mario multicarts.


March 18, 2007, 05:57:14 pm #34 Last Edit: March 18, 2007, 07:09:15 pm by madman
Well I got bored today so I decided to take some pics of a couple other pirate carts I have.  The first is a "1995 Super 8 in 1" cart.

The label writing says it has Duck Tales II, Prince of Persia, Wrestle Mania, Caesar's Palace, X-Man, California Games, Mermaid and Double Dribble.  Surprisingly, it actually contains all these games!  As with most pirate multis, any references to the original publishers of the games have been edited out.

The next cart is a 100 in 1 in a larger than normal Famicom case. 

It actually has a game listing on the back as well.  It has a Japanese price tag on the back, so it might be Japanese in origin.

Once the menu appears, it becomes obvious that this is one of those carts with tons of repeats on it. 

Turtle III is really TMNT 2 and Castle III is Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula Kun, a Japanese only "Kid Dracula" game.  Very cool!  The rest are straight forward and are common multicart games.  There's really a total of 9 games, with the first 2 being the standouts.



Cool, madman. I may steal that for the site, if you don't mind. I like those Jaleco-type pirate casings. They're hard to find with the rounded bottom cover still on them.

And hehaji, that little converter is cool. I've seen them before, but I haven't been able to buy one yet. What's the converter called?


Looks like the GBA SP Time Machine.  Basically a NOAC that outputs video into the GBA.  Sound comes out of the Time Machine, not the GBA.  Almost better off just buying a GTA and using that, nearly identical prices unless you can find one locally.

Feel free to post those pics up too.


It call 8-bit game adaptor made by GAMESTECH. It is copy right adaptor license from Japan.

Sound come out from adaptor

I use it on GBA sp Bright.


Not a review, but years ago I got a famiclone and a craplaod of Famicom carts from a friend.  I found them last night and this Goonies 2 pirate was in there. 


Quote from: madman on March 19, 2007, 01:06:37 pm
Not a review, but years ago I got a famiclone and a craplaod of Famicom carts from a friend.  I found them last night and this Goonies 2 pirate was in there. 

That's so kewl!
I love pirates!!!
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


That Goonies 2 is cool to see. Why? Because I've got one just like it, only the game is different: Rygar. Neat to know there was a company putting out many single game pirates in the same cart and label (with only the screenshot changed).


BTW: I think we have a thread for pirates. I'll likely merge this topic with it. :)


Yea, I noticed your Rygar cart and it looked familiar...now I know why.  There was another pirates thread but I couldn't easily find it so I made this one  ;D  I'm writing up 3 more reviews now...


The first cart, according to the label featuring Garfield, has 76 games on it.

The menu is broken down into 8 pages and actually has 76 games, I knew Garfield wouldn't lie to me.  Although a couple are SMB1 hacks. 

The last game on the last page features an interesting title: Tetris 2.

This is, I believe, a Taiwan original game.  I've seen it on a few other multis and here the title screen is edited.

It actually plays pretty well, has a large number of options and allows you to pick the soundtrack.  Overall, it looks pretty professional.

Up next is a 43 in 1 cart.

About 2 seconds after turning on the Famicom, it's pretty obvious this is one of the carts that repeats multiple games. 

What are those first two titles?  Chinese Chess appears to be another Taiwan/HK original.  The title screen is fairly typical of poorly made original games.

The actual gameplay looks pretty good, which makes me wonder if it's really an unlicensed original.  However, I don't imagine many Famicom games were released with Chinese text. 

The other game, Tetris II, is the same as on the previous cart, however it has a different title screen.

That brings us to the last and final cart, which I'll call Super 2001 since there's not many other words on the label.  Judging by the label, this looks like a really great cart. 

However, all hopes of a fun gaming experience are shattered the very second the Famicom is turned on.

Super 2001 has changed to Super 2000 and the menu system claims 999,999,999 games.  Anyone familiar with Famicom pirates would probably assume from the menu that there's 9 unique games and possibly some cool hacks or originals.  Let me break it down.

1. World Soccer 2000 = Original Famicom Soccer
2. Super Mario = SMB1, only you start with 6 lives and the jumping seems to be modified
3. Grand Prix 2000 = F1 Race
4. Agassi Tennis = Original Famicom Tennis
5. Duck Hunt
6. Galaxian
7. Clay Shoot = Duck Hunt
8. Soccer
9. Speed Galx = Galaxian

Surprisingly, this one doesn't contain nearly 1 billion unique games, what a letdown!

Jedi Master Baiter

That Tetris game is the "unlicensed" Tengen release.
