FS/FO: Entire Famicom Handbill Collection

Started by ckenda1, January 01, 2011, 02:12:49 pm

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First off, let me wish everyone a very Happy New Year!

After some long thought, I've decided to sell my entire Famicom Handbill collection.

For those that don't know what handbills are, they are flyers/promo posters that were handed out in Japanese video game stores 25+ years ago to promote the release of a game.

Low-Res scans of what I have are at http://disk-kun.com. I created disk-kun.com a couple of years ago as an online resource for Famicom Handbills.  I still have 98%+ of what is left on that site as well as a 3D Hot Rally.  I have doubles of a few as well, such as, Ninja Ryukenden III.

Please keep in mind that handbills can range from $20-$30 upwards of $300.

If anything interests you, please PM me.




I think we need to chat over MSN or facebook Carl - I definitely know of a few I'd be after.  Have you sold any on the other boards yet?  There are a few of the best ones I'd like to buy from you, you probably know which ones I'm thinking of :)

Hope you and the family had an amazing Christmas and New Year as well!
My for Sale / Trade thread
