Famicom Side Scroller

Started by FamicomFreak, January 23, 2007, 09:31:23 am

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Just wanted to know what are some kewl famicom side scrollers since the names are in japanese and some of them were never released for the nes in the US I was wondering which are some neat ones. I just recently got this one made by capcom with this guy using a bird to attack which is pretty kewl. Anyways, if you can post pictures of the games too Thanks again!!
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


the wai wai world series from konami is pretty sweet:


Jedi Master Baiter

Wai Wai World - that's what it is. I saw a vid with some of the gameplay in it & was intrigued by the changing characters.


ya you can switch between all the popular Konami characters and their specific worlds/levels. An awesome game that never made it to the US. I think you could find a translation patch online for both games also.


I recently bought Konami Wai Wai World from featherplucknfilms (thanks man) and am really enjoying it as I'm a huge Konami fan, but I can't seem to progress! It doesn't seem to be like Megaman where you can pick anystage and simply go from there. Anyone have a walkthrough or some advice to help me play it?