Karma does it again! Sony PS3's banned for 10 days due to LG vs Sony lawsuit

Started by FamicomRetroGamer, February 28, 2011, 06:39:31 pm

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Sony is having a real hard and bad time these days, first they picked a fight with the hackers and now LG is suing them for PS3 Blu-ray playback patents.

Check it out here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/feb/28/playstation-3-lg-legal-dispute

I'm actually rooting for the hackers and LG to win (I like LG products a lot too). I hope you learn a lesson out of this, Sony.

Is there anyone else interested in suing Sony? Oh, yes, they're also being sued for OtherOS removal.

So it's Hackers + OtherOS + LG vs Sony

Btw, the Sony fanboys at the official Sony forums said "LG has no chances", jeez, they are so gullible. Unbelievable.


LG will definatly have a chance against sony, as a sony fanboy im rooting for them but whatever......


It's easy to root for hackers but the thing you gotta remember is that if PS3 ends up too open and piratable then it becomes a dead system.

I wouldn't mind that so much, if it means next gen gets here quicker. 
Bit of a moot point anyway, Sony lost this one and they'll lose the next as well.  NGP is ridiculous.  They're going digital only for most of it. 

I don't want SONY to get sued, but the way they've taken Hotz to court is just bad, bad, bad and they cant win with muscle.  Approach it in a different way.  They should hired him FFS.  Idiots.
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I'm not talking about homebrew I'm talking about piracy - I know you know the difference.  You can't sue Sony for removing the Other OS either - if that's what the article relates to.

It's easy to side with the hackers but if piracy totally took hold of the PS3 that means no more competition to Microsoft so they'd do whatever the heck they wanted and the impact would be big.  Games wouldn't be as big because publishers wouldn't get the returns needed to justify spending 20 or 30 million on development.  I know it's not all about that but disliking Sony isn't a reason for them to be wiped out.  They've lost this console war and the next, that's enough.

I'm sorry but you're wrong about the credit card info - it's not half as simple as that, I looked it up and it's not best practice but also it's not like they keep all that information in a .txt file either...

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Quote from: MasterDisk on March 05, 2011, 04:50:31 am
Also thanks to Sony for keeping and sending from the PS3 to their server our credits card number unprotected as text files. :crazy: I believe if someone starts to get trouble with this he could sue Sony too.

As I said in another thread, the article that info came from is pretty much nonsense (which is rare for an Ars article).  Read this user's comment for details.

QuoteSo the short of this:

- Your information is not being sent in the clear, but is being sent via industry standard HTTPS/SSL.

For an attack to succeed:
- An attacker must persuade you to load a Custom Firmware that has a self-signed root certificate loaded on it
- the attacker must successfully poison the DNS cache of a DNS server that YOU use
- the attacker must then wait/hope/pray that you connect to the server he spoofed so that you can authenticate to him.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is a pretty tall order, though it's by no means implausible.


Why is it bad for Sony going after hackers??

It's the hackers who makes Sony kill USB converters


I'm not to bothered about USB converters (but I love that you are  :mspacman:) - bhowever I AM concerned for the state of the industry if it turns out nobody can make mony from games anymore so we see 50% less new games (and not necessarily better ones).

Don't get me wrong, I like Hotz and whaT Sony is doing is self-destructive, but I can totally see their concern.  If they lose face from this it's nothin compared to what they'll lose in business terms.  It could mean no PS4 and no NGP for example.  I don't really want that for the reasons I stated before.  Competition is absolutely necessary to keep Microsoft and Nintendo in check.
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Quote from: L___E___T on March 04, 2011, 04:46:58 pm
It's easy to root for hackers but the thing you gotta remember is that if PS3 ends up too open and piratable then it becomes a dead system.

I wouldn't mind that so much, if it means next gen gets here quicker. 
Bit of a moot point anyway, Sony lost this one and they'll lose the next as well.  NGP is ridiculous.  They're going digital only for most of it. 

I don't want SONY to get sued, but the way they've taken Hotz to court is just bad, bad, bad and they cant win with muscle.  Approach it in a different way.  They should hired him FFS.  Idiots.

PS2 was completely hacked and pirated and still lives, not a dead system.

Quote from: L___E___T on March 05, 2011, 06:07:25 am
I'm not talking about homebrew I'm talking about piracy - I know you know the difference.  You can't sue Sony for removing the Other OS either - if that's what the article relates to.

It's easy to side with the hackers but if piracy totally took hold of the PS3 that means no more competition to Microsoft so they'd do whatever the heck they wanted and the impact would be big.  Games wouldn't be as big because publishers wouldn't get the returns needed to justify spending 20 or 30 million on development.  I know it's not all about that but disliking Sony isn't a reason for them to be wiped out.  They've lost this console war and the next, that's enough.

I'm sorry but you're wrong about the credit card info - it's not half as simple as that, I looked it up and it's not best practice but also it's not like they keep all that information in a .txt file either...

1) Sony would've removed OtherOS cause PS3 Slims never came with Linux incorporated.
2) At least Microsoft isn't being a whiney bitch like Sony's being right now.
3) Console wars? It's a childish "war", let alone existing real ones like on Libya.

I like Sony, I don't hate them but they're making really bad decisions. Geohot will take care of them, the donations were a success.

Sony, please don't sue me for insulting you. :lol:

Who knows if Sony will still be alive before NGP's on the market, it's all Sony's fault how things got to this stage, not the hackers.

DS been pirated since the beginning and it didn't affect its sales, or even Wii.


PS2 still lives?  Are you sure?  I get sales figures on these things, so I think you may want to look at that again...  I'd describe it as on life-support while they debate turning it off with the relatives.  (nb. no offence meant by this analogy).

Console wars is just a corporate term - be assured, MS and Sony are doing everything they legally can to get a leg up on each other.

Contrary to what you believe, DS piracy DOES affect sales and Wii is not as widespread to be a fair comparison.

Don't particularly want to call you out on all this but I look at trends and data every week at the least - there is a bigger impact behind the scenes than you realise.  Western developers have already ditched the PSP years ago, I would hate to see the same happen to PS3 at this stage.

What comes next generation in literally a couple of years is directly influenced by the Sony / Microsoft competition.  Depending on how that pans out, we could potentially have 360 and kinect dragged out, which is already tiring.

Sony aren't a 'whiny bitch', they just have old-fashioned Japanese company structure and this is Sony America trying to look busy and following orders.  Even they know it's not good PR.  When you think about your feelings toward them, if that's an emotional response (sometimes called fanboyism/anti-fanboyism) then that's the positive or negative result of PR and good or bad brand management. 
Please remember that some Japanese companies struggle to keep up with the times and working practices.  It's actually why Japan as a nation has completely slipped behind the West in videogame industry terms.

I prefer MS to Sony, but they're no angels and a very greedy company - with Sony out of the picture, I'd be very, very concerned :S
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I don't root for the hackers, I just root for honesty and integrity.  Sony sold us a product and told us they would let us install linux on it and then completely reneged on their word.  It's about the worst thing a company I've dealt with has ever done and got away with. They are a steaming pile of fraudulent sh$t as far as I'm concerned.  I could care less what their excuse is.


Hope Sony enjoys the burn ward from past and recent decisions. Go LG! :D :D :)


Why don't Sony and Apple just mail George Hotz a cease and desist letter, halting his edit to the hardware, programs. He is tamping with their software rules like

You can only use this phone with X carrier,
You are promising not to tamper with anything inside the machine, policy.

What loser is going to pay cars and the same shitty phones for a reprogrammed Iphone? Seriously why are people even taking this seriously.

Seriously Apple could swoop in, on this guy who is obviously lying, somehow and still sue him.

1. You can't tamper with physical products programming unless it is for fun.
2. An edited product is no longer the original ( some cases is good )
3. I believe somebody is behind his motives. This is just too fake


I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


Sony are just looking after their business, it's just that their PR is so bloody awful.  It's the way they do it.  Technically, they let people keep Linux is they declined the update.
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So think about like this. We need updates ( settings ) so we can play videogames without problems.
However these updates put further restrictions on the machine itself.


Also Editing a hardware device in terms of harming the original business model is illeagal no matter what anybody says. If I made a product and wanted people to use this service, but somebody wanted to use another service for X reason, they should not have a choice.

The reason why people consider it legal, is that a phone is a device for talking, and nobody should restrict people from what phone service you can and cannot use. The second reason is that people want to consider this a computer and being a computer device it should be able to use whatever programs it can use but not media products.

Lastly verizon ( bell atlantic ) wants a crack at the iphone and nobody wants AT&T to thrive and become another Bill Gates