in search of a NES to famicom adapter

Started by Bonneville97, March 18, 2011, 12:01:02 pm

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i'm looking for a converter/adapter to play NES games on my famicom. My Toaster NES is on it's way out and i'll get another one to have..but the top loader av famicom i have is soooo much better. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I found on that says it doesn't work with the AV famicom, any idea why?



March 18, 2011, 12:24:26 pm #1 Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 01:00:06 pm by fredJ
You might need to buy from Japan. But where I am looking, those things aren't cheap.

I have a link for you if it helps:
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").


That´s the yobo one , the quality isn´t the best but for the price is all right  :gamer:


Why does the stoneage one say it doesn't work on av famicom?

You can get the other one from here:
but for 40$.. ouch!
I bought that one for cheaper, but the place I got it from doesn't sell it anymore..  It doesn't do mmc5 properly either. 
Don't know whats so damn hard about mapping pins over.


looks like i might be getting another toaster NES for cheap...thats for the recommendations though, I appreciate it!



Quote from: crade on March 18, 2011, 01:28:18 pm
Why does the stoneage one say it doesn't work on av famicom?

Not sure, but the Yobo doesn't work well on any Famicom. I tried it on my first Twin Famicom and original Famicom years ago and it barely worked. Now I use the Family Converter, which works far better than the Yobo ever did.


Sadly, the three good types are no longer being manufactured: The Yobo adapters are junk, and when you do see a really good one, it sells for between $50 and $75. I paid $55 plus postage each for the last few that I found... No, I'm not really interested in selling them: They're the really rare kind where the NES cart faces fowrward (so youvare looking at its label, not its back) and they're PowerPak friendly (100%).

I put a feeler out a while back, as I'm considering making some, but the response was pretty lame. If people want them, I'd do a run of 100, but they'll be bare-boards (no palstic case) to keep them affordble. I have the PCB all designed: It'll run any game and they'd face the front too, but I need to know how many people would want one and what kind of price range people will pay...

Parts, manufacturing and assembly cost a  pretty penny, after all.

Anyhow, I'd pass on a Yobo adapter: They have too many flaws and aren't good with the PowerPak.

The FC-NES adapers (black case) that I have, the Honeybee and the Family Adapter are all good, in that exact order (the black ones are best). The Honeybee hasn't been made in ages, and the Family Converter website has said 'out of stock, more coming soon' for over a year!

I tried contcting the Chinese firm that made them, but even if I order 500 units they won't make more. (They claim that they discarded the case mould forms and cannot make more of them.)

I might be able to get a couple more, but they'll be in that $60-range if I can get some NOS ones at all.

PM me if you're interested in those... If anybody wants me to manufacture some good ones, set up for extra-sound on the PowerPak, post a reply here with how many you'd buy and the highest price you think is reasonable (w/o a plastic shell: I'd need to manufature 5,000+ of them before a case could be affordable.)

If guys want me to make them,I could poentially have a batch ready to sell by late April or early  May, depending on how long it takes to get the right connectors from my sources. :bomb:


I buy and sell Famicom games, and the occasional console.

But such an adapter would only be useful for the AV Famicom. Even if it could be used on a famiclone, my last famiclone sold for less than an adapter would cost... Famiclones here sell for around 15$.

If I manage to buy and sell 10 AV Famicoms per yer, that would be how many adapters I could use.  And the price for each could not be higher than 15$.

So my answer is not very encouraging, but how much demand could one expect from those adapters outside of Japan? 

Come to think of it, your adapters would probably not be PAL-B? 
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").


I think PAL-B games simply use a different lockout chip, so it should still work. It would be useful on any/all Famicom models: I use mine on my Sharp Twin systems...

@MasterDisk: Address sent. :bomb:


I might be instrested if the shipping isn't crazy. What do you mean by "set up for extra sound"'? I thought the extra sound was emulated in the power pak?

I think PAL games have their speed tweaked so they will run with correct speed on a PAL system. So PAL-B games will work but they might run too fast on a famicom, except for those games like Double Dragon that was never modified and runs very slow on a PAL system.


I just found an adapter on a site i regularly visit. Its in the uk....


March 20, 2011, 01:15:05 pm #11 Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 09:07:41 am by Strider_Hiryu
My Yobo Adapter works fine on my AV FAMICOM   ;D

Castlevania NES

Ninja Ryukenden 3 FC on a NASA Adaptor on the YOBO adaptor  :crazy:


Hey Xious, are those FC-NES adapers (black case)ones the same as this one:

If not, do you have a pic?  The ones of the above type I have are not very good as they don't work all games.

If you made new ones, I would only buy a chip only one if it was made so that it would fit nicely in the Yobo case or something :)  Having a case is important to me.
If that was the case (groan), I'd probably pay a max of 35$.  50$ for one with it's own case.



i actually got 3 perfectly working NES now so i don't need the adapter...but its nice to see some viable options even if they are kinda pricey.



That is it, indeed. I haven't run into any games that it rejected, and it works perfectly with my PowerPak.
What didn't run correctly, out of curiosity?  I can check the same titles on mine to see what happens. :bomb:

Quote from: crade on March 21, 2011, 07:48:46 am
Hey Xious, are those FC-NES adapers (black case)ones the same as this one:

If not, do you have a pic?  The ones of the above type I have are not very good as they don't work all games.

If you made new ones, I would only buy a chip only one if it was made so that it would fit nicely in the Yobo case or something :)  Having a case is important to me.
If that was the case (groan), I'd probably pay a max of 35$.  50$ for one with it's own case.