Pirated Game Museum, site for all pirates

Started by Bramsworth, March 30, 2011, 10:31:26 pm

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I started a website sometime ago with the goal of being a museum of all pirate variants of all games that exist.


At the moment I've been mainly focusing on Famicom games, I've uploaded around 300 pics by myself already and it's starting to get tiring  :P I'm hoping others who are interested in seeing all the different crazy labels of these things will help contribute anything not already on the site. So far I'm trying my best to be accurate with how its set up, like Tiny Toon 3 cartridges, which is actually Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, goes under the page for Crazy Castle. Gets difficult for some games that are very ambiguous, but in time it can also hopefully become a resource for people to reference any pirate they've found and have no idea what it contains.

So if anyone's got more cart pics not already up, or even better quality pics, or anything, feel free to help. This can become a fun place to visit to marvel at all the weird crap pirates put on their labels =p Just remember it's mainly a museum, and not a rival or anything to the BootlegGames Wiki here: http://bootleggames.wikia.com/wiki/BootlegGames_Wiki