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Nintendo is for Children

Started by RegalSin, May 18, 2011, 04:16:29 pm

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I am just going to say the truth.

Nintendo screwed everybody over, even before the Famicom years. From the time that Nintendo was taken over by the "snot nosed brat" to when Nintendo screwed SONY over, they are a complete failure. Yes they are a great game company, they have made many various products that has tons of uses, but we have to admit the truth. Nintendo is for children. Children will come and go, and play. Parents will continue to purchase Nintendo as an end all to toys. However considering the Nintendo as a game machine nowadays. No.

I just know it, and I am not going to say it. Even if Nintendo did what we have allways dreamed about them doing, and made it work, I would still not purchase another "Malibu Stacy" product from them.
From my perspective, I could imagine a bunch of corperate executives trying to create intrest into a Cocobo that has been draged threw the mud and even has cybernetic parts.

This thing has to be big, huge, and hits hard without stopping.


Companies only make what they believe will sell best, and position it in the marketplace to target certain consumer groups. Basic business shit. Nintendo hit on many segments with the Wii, including gamers, children, and the elderly. Software (games) is another issue, but this thread is about the console. You over-generalize and under-think, RegalSin...


Think of it like this: The SNES was a "little kids'" system, and look how much ass it kicks, and how many units it sold. I think eventually we'll come to terms with ourselves and realize "Hey, the Wii wasn't that bad!". I compare the Wii to the SNES, and the Genesis to the XBOX 360; although they have different pros and cons from their 16 bit counterparts, the competition is the same.

This isn't "OH NO NINTENDO IS FOR LITTLE GIRLS NOW WTF IS THIS?". They've always been for little kids. You never hear "Yeah, I was 25 and playing my Nintendo...". It's always "I was 8 and playing my Nintendo..."

In conclusion, Nintendo hasn't stooped to little kids. You've grown up. Your taste in games is different. You're becoming just another 360 or PS3 fanboy. Deal with it.

(PS this isn't directed towards anyone specifically, just the gaming community in general.)


I am getting that Smithy cornered in the factory treatment. I have been threw what you folks have been threw already, I have heard the same thing over and over again. They made good games, we grewed up with, and should continue to enjoy. From a sellers perspective, this is a great thing, It is just that I can't swim in a feild of lost hope, no matter how many Flower Powers, and Maples Syrup moments there are. I can't do it.

In terms of consumerism feel like that soilder from "Wizards" I don't wanna fight anymore". I feel that I am being led off a cliff with Nintendo. We are talking about something that is non-exsistant, and I am having flash backs to all the times I spent playing X systems. Like the saying, an Elephant never forgets, and after being a consumer.

Look at the GCN, all they had to do was create an all in one upgrade, that would seat below the Cube. They could have charged 200 and saved tons of money on plastic. Then pull the "PSN/X-box live" rabbit out of their hats, and provide another intresting 2d market for people. They could have redesigned the cube from the ground up, with all the trimmings, and even play the mini-mizing Playstion game.

The main focus was to launch an online network, and provide content for all users, while rehashing the past, and the consumer could, or think whatever they want with the device.

Like all of those people outside rambling about the "Judgement day on the 21st"
We will see.


May 19, 2011, 09:39:00 am #4 Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 07:30:56 pm by nintendodork
Quote from: RegalSin on May 19, 2011, 02:43:05 am
... and I am having flash backs to all the times I spent playing X systems. Like the saying, an Elephant never forgets, and after being a consumer.
Did you forget to end this sentence?  I don't quite understand this.

Quote from: RegalSin on May 19, 2011, 02:43:05 am
Like all of those people outside rambling about the "Judgement day on the 21st"
It will be different from what those crazy people are rambling about.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -



I'm getting bored of Regal's conspiracies and pessimistic prose.  Maybe that's off-topic, but ironically that's now on-topic.  Sorry Regal, it's bit nuts though.
My for Sale / Trade thread


I am just too big to a be a consumer anymore. It is like an omega turn off.
I am going backwards :diskkun:


From what I remember. A person won some money, used it to create the Cd-i, inconjunction with Nintendo. However Nintendo was already previously working in secret with SONY to create the sound system the SNES uses today. Then when that was founded out, SONY and Nintendo officially agreed to make the SNES2 add-on.  Nintendo said nothing to SONY, and when they left, SONY just refashioned it into the PSX.

Seriously, one big failure as mentioned before. More importantly since the MSX people in Japan, was obviously going to jump on the SONY wagon, why did Nintendo made such a stupid decision to begin with.

Lets make a system with a non-Japanese developer, who does not understand vidoegames as a medium, and let them make some games, of their own. Seriously, at the time, of it's creativity what the hell was Nintendo thinking.

Personally I doubt that Philips was really going to thrive at all. Like AT&T trying to make a network play system for the NES and Genesis, while one was already done in Japan.

Like Atari, they did not even understood what people should feel, when they touch this thing.


Quote from: RegalSin on May 29, 2011, 09:02:41 am
From what I remember. A person won some money, used it to create the Cd-i, inconjunction with Nintendo. However Nintendo was already previously working in secret with SONY to create the sound system the SNES uses today. Then when that was founded out, SONY and Nintendo officially agreed to make the SNES2 add-on.  Nintendo said nothing to SONY, and when they left, SONY just refashioned it into the PSX.
I've never heard that story before.  That one sounds a lot less viable than the other one. A lot less...
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


No thanks to RegalSin, this is now totally off topic. Why don't we talk about the specs and rumors of Nintendo's new console again?



Back on topic. Seriously after what Nintendo did as a financial decision to
dump the GCN ( like they dumped the DD64, SNES2, and GB3D :upsetroll: )
why should we continue to support them? What could they possible do, to make things better?

3D display television? With no glasses

You can get a Wonka bar just by reaching for the screen?

Teleportation threw the TV screen?

Oh I know, lets build the same console, over again but install spyware. Be just like that movie, 1984. But a cute character will amuse you until the police cut threw the lighting, slides down, and put a duffle bag over our heads.

They are going to allow you to MSN ( video phone ) chat with everybody, and then the goverment is going to force people to only have video phones with spy camera inside of it, just like your cable box :crazy:

How about this one, we can now back slap yoshi, everytime he tries to eat Mario's hat. Then go back to using the paddle in school, and being spanked by an officer like in Europe. Just like the good ole days :pacman: Parents, Nuns, preachers, and even strangers will be enticed, to smack each other around, while giving the smackdown (  beating ) traumatization into somebodies children, and their own. :cherry:

Maybe Nintendo will put teaching software, like the so many teaching software that is out their, a whole new 2nd life simulator that is not Phantasy Star Online. :pow:


May 30, 2011, 04:54:51 am #12 Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 05:12:21 am by noname
Now you're just talking nonsense. I invite others to post more sane messages.


Quote from: RegalSin on May 30, 2011, 04:38:03 am

Back on topic. Seriously after what Nintendo did as a financial decision to
dump the GCN ( like they dumped the DD64, SNES2, and GB3D :upsetroll: )
why should we continue to support them? What could they possible do, to make things better?

3D display television? With no glasses

You can get a Wonka bar just by reaching for the screen?

Teleportation threw the TV screen?

Oh I know, lets build the same console, over again but install spyware. Be just like that movie, 1984. But a cute character will amuse you until the police cut threw the lighting, slides down, and put a duffle bag over our heads.

They are going to allow you to MSN ( video phone ) chat with everybody, and then the goverment is going to force people to only have video phones with spy camera inside of it, just like your cable box :crazy:

How about this one, we can now back slap yoshi, everytime he tries to eat Mario's hat. Then go back to using the paddle in school, and being spanked by an officer like in Europe. Just like the good ole days :pacman: Parents, Nuns, preachers, and even strangers will be enticed, to smack each other around, while giving the smackdown (  beating ) traumatization into somebodies children, and their own. :cherry:

Maybe Nintendo will put teaching software, like the so many teaching software that is out their, a whole new 2nd life simulator that is not Phantasy Star Online. :pow:


Yikes - all of his crazy babble...

Anyway, I'm going to E3 to see it in person, It's a week away so I'm just going to wait until then.
My for Sale / Trade thread