Converter Quest

Started by Utremi, June 27, 2011, 05:11:40 pm

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June 27, 2011, 05:11:40 pm Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 05:19:35 pm by Utremi
I got my mail today. Lots of goodies.

An NES controller, a copy of Ys 1, two gamebits, and two copies of Gyromite. I'll bet you can see where this is going.

I've been meaning to get into Famicom, but I'm not hardcore enough to go seek out the actual console just yet. I was hoping to happen upon on a 60-72 pin converter in an old NES game. So, let's get to it.

Five screws, good, that's what we want to see. No tabs, either.

And now, the moment of truth.


The quest continues!  :help:


You don't need to open the Gyromites. Just check the pins:

Jedi Master Baiter


Quote from: Jedi QuestMaster on June 27, 2011, 11:37:49 pm
Or buy a Stack Up.

That one is becoming rarer and rarer because a lot of moron are lazy to look for another gamr with a converter.


Thanks, I'm aware of the pin trick, opening up the carts for the picture is just more dramatic.  ;D

Stackup is a lot more expensive than Gyromite, typically, and I'd rather sacrifice a cheaper cart. You see, I intend on making a permanent housing for the converter (perhaps out of one of these Gyromite duds). Also, as MasterDisk mentioned, there's conservation to think about. Maybe I should just buy one to keep safe or something.  :D Plus, there's the thrill of the hunt; looking for carts is always fun.


Looks as if I'll be working on my converters in July. Every week i see some topic about needing one or another of the two types, and I think my designs will be what everyone wants. I'm even working on cases...fibreglass, but cases nonetheless. I have my fingers crossed that I'll be able to make them affordable using fibreglass, as plastic is far too expensive. :bomb:


^ I approve of this. Do you have a project currently running, or is it just a thought right now?

Jedi Master Baiter

Quote from: Utremi on June 28, 2011, 12:52:51 am
I intend on making a permanent housing for the converter

I wouldn't use a Gyromite converter if you intend on using it for more than one game.  Unless you mean making a permanent NES game?  Then yes, that'd work fine.


By permanent housing, I meant something along these lines:


It may work, but it looks ugly.  :D


Considering that I'll be sticking it into a Retron 3, I don't think appearances are my highest priority.  :D


Quote from: Xious on June 28, 2011, 07:17:40 am
Looks as if I'll be working on my converters in July. Every week i see some topic about needing one or another of the two types, and I think my designs will be what everyone wants. I'm even working on cases...fibreglass, but cases nonetheless. I have my fingers crossed that I'll be able to make them affordable using fibreglass, as plastic is far too expensive. :bomb:

Cant wait for those, especially the 72 pin-> 60 pin one


I found a converter-rich copy of Pinball locally today, $5. Woohoo! Let the games commence!