FS: Chinese Orignals (Pokemon Yellow, Biohazard, FF7, World of Warcraft, etc)

Started by Trenton_net, June 30, 2011, 07:56:35 am

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Esquire Fox


I have an interest in Biohazard. I am a major Resident Evil fan and am starting out. Still have copies?


Is there any way you could get any more copies of Final Fantasy 4? I'm definitely interested in that more than anything else.


Hi im intrested in buying some of tose cart biohazard pokemon yellow and Final fanyasy 7 do u still have them in stock and if so do u ship to the uk. Also do u have any of the zeldas in stock.
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@MachineAres: Probably not in the near future.

@rightwingnick: No Zelda games are in stock. However, PM me your shipping address and what exactly you want and we can work something out.


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Are the Pokemon and World Of Warcraft carts Asian text heavy? Also, how much would it cost for shipping each to Canada? I could only budget out one per purchase, but I could spread those purchases out.




Shipping to Canada would be cheap. Probably around 8-11 bucks (with packing materials) or something like that, but if your ready to buy something just shoot me a PM and I can calculate it for you.


Can't get anything soon. I'm saving my money for a Sci-Fi convention at the end of the month. Are the World Of Warcraft games in English or Chinese? Also, what kind of game is the Pokemon one, and is it Chinese? My comprehension of Asian languages is nil, so if I have to read a lot of Chinese, I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna buy them.


As of all the research I've done on these, they're all strictly in Chinese, none of them are in English at all. 

BTW, I received my copy of Biohazard the other day, the game is fantastic.  Only bad part is the repetitive music, but I kinda expected that.


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