Nintendo arcade controls!!!!!!!!!

Started by punkpolitical, June 30, 2011, 11:48:56 pm

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Hey Guys!!!!!!!!!
                 Haven't posted anything in a long time and wanted to show something done a couple of weeks ago. i had purchased a complete arcade control panel off of ebay. It came off of a nintendo vs. system arcade system (red tent). I wired up the control panel to a nintendo nes controller and used it to play nintendo games! Enjoy! :)

Here are the soldering points on the nes controller..........................................................

hope you guys like this and if you want more pics i'll post them. i also have a something in the works for the nes that everyone might like later this year.....i hope the project
goes through!!!!! :)

:pacman: :pacman: :pacman: :pacman:*  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :blinky:


That's awesome! Nice job! Some games are harder to play with an arcade stick over a regular NES controller, but I suppose it just adds a new challenge to the game. Neat!   :star:
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Some games though, are simply made for this type of set-up. I did something similar with the control panel from a PC-10 machine, which also has Start/Select buttons on it. Eventually, I want to build a Famicom arcade cabinet (cabaret-style) from one of my extra empties and a Twin system.

@Tim: Hey mate, you should ring me sometime so we can meet up for a drink or coffee. :bomb:


Quote from: Xious on July 01, 2011, 01:38:02 am
Some games though, are simply made for this type of set-up.
I totally agree, that's why I also said some games. :) I think the "Black Box" titles would be a blast to play with this control panel.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Wow, I like this a whole lot. Can you please post more pics of the thing with better lighting? It looks beautiful!


sorry for the bad lighting. i took more pics but they still look under lit to me. Best i could do with a flashlight and my cellphone camera.


Some thoughts:

I have a pile of Famicom (DA-15) controller cables and could toss one in your direction if you want to wire this up for both systems. I also have a stockpile of buttons in every colour if you want to put them in place of the buttons that are broken.

I'm assuming you wired the 1-2-3-4 panel for P1/P2 Start & Select, but what machine did you rip that out of? The 1/2/3/4 isn't from a Vs. System, as far as I remember.

You should put a MIC jack on the side.  8)

Are you going to cut a box-base for it?

@nintendodork : Games such as 'Hitler no Fukkatsu', 'Rockman' 'Tetris II+Bombliss' (and the Tengen 'Tetris) nd many puzzle-types aw well as most action/platform games translate well to this style of control panel. Obviously, games such as 'Galaga', 'Donkey Kong' and all of the arcade conversions are, as you say, perfect fit to an arcade control panel. RPGs are on the other end of the stick.  'Crazy Climber' would be, but you'd need to rotate the connections by 90-degrees (Left=Up).  

I never cared for the 'NES Advantage' type joysticks, as they were too soft with no 'throw' behind them (if you know what I mean). This translated into some really awful game-play, and the buttons used on them were terrible and really nothing like arcade sticks, which was a shame. I have one of those huge metal (programmable) arcade-quality setups with six-buttons for the SFC...

They were sold (at a hefty price) to Vs. Fighting Game enthusiasts, but I usually used it for shooters and I don.t think I ever programmed anything into it, even though it had some nice features for automatic combos and the like, with a built-in LCD for doing the job. I often used the 'Competition Pro' joystick for the FC/NES and for Atari/CBM systems, which has arcade-style switches and a pole-based joystick (as is normal for arcade sticks). That's most definitely my top-rat6ed home-stick of the era, but there's nothing better than proper arcade controls.

I also liked the Wico 'Big Red Ball'. stick, as it was huge and hefty, and had decent responsiveness. It has more throw (the gate, or amount of motion required to make contact) than the 'Competition pro., which was nice, but it lacked the arcade-switches and buttons, which was not as nice. I never cared for stock 2600-controllers, as they were far too stiff IMO, though I did (unlike most people) like the ProLine controller, and I loved the CX-78 (never sold stateside).

I started making some Famicom trackballs (digital(, but they got put on the back-burner (in a box of parts) while I restored FDS drives. I need to get back on track and knock out a couple... I still need to send out some of the prices from my FDS 25th Anniversary contest too, and I was going to offer a FC Trackball as one of them, but it's been delayed and thus, the prizes have as well. I was also going to offer a prototype NESpander as a prize, but that is also delayed. Thus if wondering whyt I haven't announced the prizes, that is the reason. The three prizes are (or at least I intend them to be are:

1st Prize
Choice of one:
A Restored FDS + One Repro FDSnGame (or)
Two Repro FDS Games (or)
A Prototype NESpander Light (or)
A FamiTrack Prototype(or)
A RetroVideo Kit (any model) (or)
A $100 Gift-Coupon (for items, not including postage)

2nd Prize
Choice of one:
One Repro FDS Game (or)
A Prototype NESpander Light (or)
A FamiTrack Prototype (or)
A RetroVideo Kit (FVE-RVA-3MM-PBS or FVE-RVA-3MM-EUR) (or)
A $50 Gift-Coupon (for items, not including postage)

3rd Prize
Choice of one:
One Repro FDS Game (or)
A RetroVideo Kit (FVE-RVA-6MM-PBS or FVE-RVA-6MM-EUR)

Only one each of the Prototype NESpander Light and the FamiTrack will be given away, so it's first-choice situation: If the 1st-prize winner selects the FamiTrack, then the option is no longer available to the 2n-place winner, etc..

I do know who the winners are, and they were drawn as 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. 1st picks first, 2nd second, and 3rd third, to make it fair.

These are the Repros that I will be offering.:
  • ANN: SMB Reproduction Disk (w/Special '25th Anniversary Contest Prize Winner' Repro Obi and Label

  • Roger Rabbit (Kemco) Reproduction Disk (w/Special '25th Anniversary Contest Prize Winner' Repro Obi and Label

  • (Welcome to New). Clu Clu Land Reproduction Disk (w/Special '25th Anniversary Contest Prize Winner' Repro Manual and White Label); Mine is an original white-label disk with original manual.

  • Tetris (FDS) Double-Game Disk (w/Special Custom Label, Obi and Disk-Writer style Manual); This game is a port, but it is amusing nonetheless.

  • Tanigawa Kōji no Shōgi Shinan II Reproduction Disk (w/ Special '25th Anniversary Contest Prize Winner'  Repro Label and Manual); This game is rarer than a sealed NTSC 'Stadium Events', but is just additional Shougi puzzles, so it may not be attractive tot he average person.

  • Zelda no Densetsu Beta Reproduction Disk (On a reproduction, custom WHITE disk with special a custom/repro '25th Anniversary Contest Prize Winner' label); I will omly offer *one* of these to the winner who first selects it.

  • Golf: Japan Course Prize Card Reproduction Disk; I can't electroplate it but I will try to simulate the look (w/Special '25th Anniversary Contest Prize Winner' repro label)

  • Puyo Puyo Reproduction Disk (w/Special '25th Anniversary Contest Prize Winner' Repro Manual and Label)

  • Eggerland: Sōzōhe no Tabidachi Reproduction Disk (w/Special '25th Anniversary Contest Prize Winner' Repro Manual and Label)

I haven't forgotten about the prizes, and I.m not trying to flake out or escape sending them out, but I've had life raining feces on me for several months and as such I am behind on everything. Be assured, these will go out as soon as I get everything ready and I'll make a big deal out of it, announcing the winners on the appropriate forums and putting up photos of the prizes for people to envy.  ;D

The major issues have simply been getting the prizes ready which has taken a fair deal longer than I had planned. Even the repro disks take a lot of effort, as making the custom and special labels, obis and manuals is very time-consuming. I need to get the hardware items done first, and that and fabbing a run of NESPander Light PCBs, which is taking a while. The winner that selects this prize will have a custom version all to themselves.

For those not aware, the FamiTrack (TM) is a digital trackball that is intended to work with every Famicom/NES game and will be really cool for games such as 'Rampart' and the NESpander (TM) does two things:

I enables extra-audio on the NES and adds a Famicom-type DA-15 accessory port, so that you can use things like the 3D system on a NES. You can view Photos of the earlier prototype of the NESpander here.

I.m hoping to have all the stuff done any the end of July or mid-August, and I will post the list of winners before then so that they can select their desired price (and thus so that I can concentrate only on making the desired products).

I'm going to copy this into my thread on the subject... It really doesn't belong here, but I rather have a bad habit of rambling on and forgetting the topic.

Anyhow, I love the control panel, and (to Tim), if you want or need the Famicom cable, want to add a MIC input or need buttons or switches let me know. The cable is my gift to you, the rest we can negotiate, as I the MIC input requires a lot of work (from me) to implement and any buttons or switches I give out I'll have to replace. They're yours in trade for what it costs me to replace them, or for  couple pints, whichever you prefer.

On the other hand, if you do any woodworking, we can trade off stuff for that as well, as I'm rather lacking on certain tools at present. :bomb:

Legal Notice: FamiTrak, NESTrak, FamiTrack, NESTrack,  RetroVideo, RetroAudio and NESpander are Trademarks of Flashback Vintage Electronics ;; All Rights Reserved.

P.S. What are the legal BBCode tags for Indent and for Font Size?


I like the idea of the mic jack!!!! This did come from a rarer version of the nintendo vs. system. Here are pics of the machine.

They are really cool machines that i would love to get one but a little hard to find and a bit pricey.
:pacman:* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :blinky:


Quote from: Xious on July 02, 2011, 06:06:18 am
P.S. What are the legal BBCode tags for Indent and for Font Size?
Font size is:

and I'm not sure about indents, but we have list bullets, which are:
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


A-ha! I was trying to use the [ FONT ] tag with a size parameter [ font size ], which did nothing. I know about the [ li ] option but I was hoping for proper indents with no bullet. Is it possible to add a [ indent ] tag that does [ li ] without bullets or numbering?

You can see this post as an example... It's for side-bars within posts, to ease with the flow of reading them. Yes, I know that most people probably would never use a side-bad, but I find them useful, especially for conveying anecdotal information that isn't really canon to the topic but is related to it in some way.

Maybe for the to-do list, or should I put it in the updates/suggestions thread?  :bomb:


Just wrap what you want in the [list] tag and it'll indent it.  [list]blah blah blah[/list].  That's more of a "feature" rather than a feature, though.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vel metus odio. Aenean lobortis libero id ligula lobortis hendrerit aliquet dolor laoreet. Curabitur vitae neque et urna placerat molestie. Duis consectetur mi ac sem pulvinar iaculis. Quisque tincidunt suscipit turpis sit amet euismod. Nullam at ipsum orci. Vivamus et lacus consequat nulla ultrices viverra a quis nulla. Nulla elementum semper elit, ut gravida nulla semper imperdiet. Nam suscipit elementum orci sed sodales. Curabitur volutpat felis ut purus venenatis facilisis.


July 06, 2011, 11:55:55 pm #11 Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 08:03:23 am by Xious
    Gratiaeum, Intercessor ex noster colloquium!  

I did notice a bug to report though, so I will post that in the locus decentis. :bomb:

---Avoiding a Double-Post---

I stumbled upon this SNES Arcade Controller: This guy emulated the two 4021B static-shift registers and the pullups on a PLD to make it rather than using normal, off-the-shelf parts. Seems odd to me, but it's a way to do it, and he released the source for anyone who wants to do the same.  :bomb:



Sweet set up and holy &^*%@  I LOVE THAT CRT!