Favorite Mario Land GB game?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:47:17 pm

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I like SML2 a lot, but I've found more replayability on the first one. I love the "simplicity" (you know what I mean) of the game, and it remembers me a little of SMB on the nes (definitely my favorite game on any console, and in my opinion one of the most finely designed ones).


I like to be able to go around a world map and choose levels. I'm not a fan of being ushered from one level to the next.


That's weird, PatMan! I always thought the first Super Mario Land was one of the easiest Mario games I had ever played! It usually took me only an hour or so to beat it. But then again, you're not the first person who has told me they've had trouble with the game, so maybe it's just me having played it so much...

Six Golden Coins is still my choice, two years after this poll was made. I just love picking the game up and playing my beaten game, fiddling around and picking up a ton of coinage!


I beat the first two games in the series, but I don't remember much of either one.  I remember the first one being kind of odd -- sort of how SMB2US felt like Mario but was very different at the same time.  I remember the second one being annoying.

Trium Shockwave

I never beat SML1. Haven't played it in my adulthood though.

SML2 I played the hell out of. Loved that game.

Wario Land I never got around to getting (or playing) for one reason or another. I really like Shake It on the Wii though.


Quote from: Lorfarius on January 05, 2009, 06:02:24 am
ggrrr I'm going to stop coming here as its costing me way too much. Just gone and bought all 3 Mario Land games.

hahaha well at least play them in order to see the story unfold although I don't get why you get to play as Wario in the third one and still call it Super Mario Land 3.....I haven't played it that much.
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


January 05, 2009, 02:46:03 pm #21 Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 01:29:55 am by Lorfarius
They arent really a trilogy. Just using the same name so theres no story linking the 3.
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SML1, just because of all the memories playing it as a kid. I have since beaten it, but when I was little, I didn't understand that you couldn't jump on the sphinx boss at level 3 but just had to get passed it. I died a lot on that level. :-[


You shouldn't really pay too much attention to "story" in Super Mario games...  :D


Quote from: manuel on January 05, 2009, 09:05:40 pm
You shouldn't really pay too much attention to "story" in Super Mario games...  :D

Exactly. :P


SML1 has little nuances about it that you have to learn with experience. Its not too hard once you get used to how the game works. Thinking SML = SMB is wrong. You have to really think of them as totally different games with different gameplay rules.


SML1 has always struck me as a game that really plays to the GB's strengths. Playing it today on a standard GB and its amazing just what they achieved with the large plain sprites and level design. I always felt it had a distinct feel that was just never replicated elsewhere. Shame.
My own Retro gaming YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Lorfarius


mario land 1..... it was my first video game that i owned.... after that pure addiction....
Submit to Mugen


First one will always be the best.


I agree.  Super Mario Land 1 is the best of 'em all
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