Custom-made obi covers for Nintendo Disk Writer games (all 6)

Started by lobdale, September 03, 2011, 04:33:05 pm

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Hi everyone!  I have found myself assembling a collection of all the Nintendo-published games for the Famicom Disk System, and they'll all sit nice and pretty on my shelf except the six Disk Writer-only releases that Nintendo put out near the end of the FDS' lifespan (Pinball, Wrecking Crew, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong JR., Ice Climber, and Clu Clu Land).  Obviously I don't have them all in my collection yet, but I thought it would be nice to at least have case covers for them once I do, since I'll want to keep them in the plastic cases... seeing as how Disk Writer games were usually just label-only (and maybe printed instructions, if you wanna shell out a boat load these days).

Anyway, I went ahead and made some custom cover obi cards for these six games based on a high-resolution scan of the Super Mario Bros. 2 obi.  These are all modified to the best of my (extremely limited) ability to match up with what I would guess that Nintendo'd have used as a standard cover for these games, in looking at covers like Nazo no Murasame Jo and others from that time period.  Each cover has the correct FMC-XXD code in the corner, the vertical text on the spine, and then the flipped text in the "side A" section on the back.  I tried to match the color of each game's front text with the actual color of the official label for each Disk Writer game, and the inset is artwork as high-res as I could get it cropped from the original Famicom release of each respective game.  You should be able to print these out and cut them according to the handy Xious' obi-dimensions measurements (, and there is room for fudging it since they are all bordered with white.

Hope someone gets some use out of them! Please make a post if you decide to print them and show us how it turned out.  :diskkun:  (Album view at imgur)  :question: (All 6 in a zip file)  :star:



These obi's look really good. If you want the games on disk, I can do that for you if you send me the disks. You'd have to make your own disk labels, though.  :bub:


Not bad mate!

As a point of reference, most of these were introductory titles, not 'end of lifespan' releases.

Do you have high-resolution (600D.P.I.) versions of your obis? :bomb:


Quote from: Xious on October 12, 2011, 06:03:45 am
Not bad mate!

As a point of reference, most of these were introductory titles, not 'end of lifespan' releases.

Do you have high-resolution (600D.P.I.) versions of your obis? :bomb:

Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., and Ice Climber were all 1988, Wrecking Crew and Pinball were 1989, two years which marked the final significant releases of any quantity on the thing, which is at least end of lifespan as far as Nintendo's support for it goes, since they mostly dropped it there in '89 to start putting out FC carts and preparing the SFC, though they'd still put out the two Time Twists and Backgammon even through 1991.  Clu Clu Land was the last game they even released for the FDS, all the way in 1992.  So... maybe not entirely "end of life" but certainly closer to the end than the beginning. 

As far as resolution goes, the full-res versions are at the zip linked above, I was at the mercy of the base scan I chose and the relative scarcity of high-resolution source artwork for the obi images.  I'm not sure what DPI they are, though they look decent enough scaled down for printing (as this shitty, trial-run, dimension-verifying, home-printed-on-a-crap-Lexmark, with-no-black-ink, onto-regular-printer-paper test run indicates).

Parodius Duh

really cool stuff! Now I need to re-purchase a FDS.....  :D


I finally got around to printing these on nice bright white paper of a good thickness with my workplace's shiny new and vivid color laser printer.  Printed them off with cutting guide notches on the edges and used a straight razor on a cutting board to get them nice and straight, then scored the backs of the spines using an official cover card as a guide.  They look pretty good!  Probably won't ever bother trying to reproduce the stickers though.


Hey man, where'd you get those disks at?  ;)

The OBIs look awesome!


December 03, 2011, 09:30:49 pm #7 Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 02:38:39 pm by punkpolitical


You succeeded in ruining the image aspect ratio. Nice work?


December 04, 2011, 03:08:33 am #9 Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 02:37:53 pm by punkpolitical
Quote from: lobdale on December 04, 2011, 01:13:17 am
You succeeded in ruining the image aspect ratio. Nice work?

Your Welcome! I can ruin the aspect ratio on the other ones if you want me to.


Oh hey you changed it.  Now DK is tiny!

Anyway I already printed them off, I wanted the covers to be the box-arts from the original games with a border in a similar style to other FDS covers, so that's why I did it the way I did it.  If you think you can benefit from changing them around though, be my guest.  :octorok:


Do you have high-res versions (300DPI or 600DPI+) versions of these obis? I think this is fantastic!

Eventually, I plan to do a 'Vs./New Clu Clu Land' obi of my own (for reproduction disks), but this one is pretty much ideal for my own collection as it stands, and it would make my dis boxes much nicer!  :bomb:


Quote from: Xious on December 06, 2011, 03:52:42 am
Do you have high-res versions (300DPI or 600DPI+) versions of these obis? I think this is fantastic!

Eventually, I plan to do a 'Vs./New Clu Clu Land' obi of my own (for reproduction disks), but this one is pretty much ideal for my own collection as it stands, and it would make my dis boxes much nicer!  :bomb:

The images in the OP (from the zip) are the highest resolution originals that I have, I made them in that resolution.  Finding source scans for the art at anything higher was just too difficult.  They are 300 PPI.  (I also have the original PSD files if you want to make changes or anything, you can contact me directly for those.)