Help ID this SMD component

Started by ericj, September 17, 2011, 08:58:47 pm

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September 17, 2011, 08:58:47 pm Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 09:57:49 pm by ericj
I'm hoping someone can help identify this SMD component (marked as C3 2G). It's marked as D12 & D13 on the PCB. Thanks!   :)


look like transistors to me since they have 3 pins...I could be wrong though


R resistors?
D Darlington component?


C3 2G - those are RF Schottky Barrier Diodes type HSMS-2823 :D
Search for datasheet on "HSMS-2823"


Thanks jpx72! I figured they were diodes based on how the PCB was marked, but how the hell did you figure that out?  :question:


Well as you said, it's marked as Dxx so that was my first clue on diode, and secondly check SMD codebook: (3MB !)
on page 37 are four "C3" components and only one of them is diode - dual HP2835 schottky :)
(yep I got some clues from my father, he's an old electrician :D Thanks Dad! )


Nice detective work!  :fire:

I hate SMD stuff--not only because it is incredibly frustrating to solder with a conventional iron, but because figuring out what some of the components are is very difficult.


October 27, 2011, 06:44:18 pm #7 Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 10:30:18 am by Xious
If you're going to do SMD work, you really should consider buying a basic reflow station. These are very affordable today, and make SMD repairs (or construction) very simple. :bomb: