Does NES game Genie work with famicom cart?

Started by kokie, September 19, 2011, 04:59:15 am

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Providing that I use it with the appropriate pins adapter?


It does with a good converter. I got few problems with unlicensed games but otherwise it's ok.


Can confirm that too, I tested it with original games and even multicarts :D


The converters you are using must be bad or the gamegenie connectors are dirty (or the game you are trying it on may not be compatible)


Quote from: Mi5terDNA on September 24, 2011, 02:10:56 pm
I just got an NES game genie, and I cannot get it to work with my fami.  It will boot to the game genie screen, but once I start the connected game I get a weird buzzing noise and garbled video, anyone ever seen this?

Did you put the 60-72, GG and cartridge with the correct side together? It's kind of a weird combo.
Sorry for stupid question, but sometimes people do mistakes...
Otherwise, it will be probably caused by dirty GG contacts, I had trouble with them too.


Out of sheer curiosity, does the FC Game Genie work with the FDS? I would expect it to have a fair amount of problems, but I have never seen anyone try to use it via the RAM-Adapter (which is the first obstruction to remapping game datum).


Quote from: Xious on October 31, 2011, 12:04:50 am
Out of sheer curiosity, does the FC Game Genie work with the FDS? I would expect it to have a fair amount of problems, but I have never seen anyone try to use it via the RAM-Adapter (which is the first obstruction to remapping game datum).

Hmm, I never thought to try this but I'll do it when I have some more free time on my hands.