Family Convertor 60-72 Pins

Started by xan_racketboy_fan, September 22, 2011, 01:57:52 pm

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So I've just bought this convertor off eBay and found out it doesn't fit into my Famicom. The listing clearly states it's for Famicom use, but it's a little wide. Anyone else have this same convertor, if so, what did you do to have it fit properly? I'm guessing I would have to shave the sides down a bit, but I'd like to hear what you guys have to say. Thanks.



Those are the same converters that the NES carts used. They should fit in a Famicom, but it's a tight fit. I have one and it fits okay. You could always use a wood/metal file to take a bit off the sides of the PCB.


Thanks for that info, ericj! So this would have been the convertor included in my copy of Gyromite, huh? Funny thing is, when I popped that cart open, there wasn't any. Anyway, guess I'll shave it down.


Quote from: xan_racketboy_fan on September 22, 2011, 02:34:05 pm
So this would have been the convertor included in my copy of Gyromite, huh?

No, the converter in Gyromite is the opposite (Famicom to NES).


Actually, to me it looks like the NES/FC cart converter connector that someone flipped and cut the extra pins off of and then inserted and cart connector onto the top--hence the irregular cut lines near where the connector is soldered onto it. I could be wrong, though.


Quote from: ericj on September 22, 2011, 09:04:53 pm
Actually, to me it looks like the NES/FC cart converter connector that someone flipped and cut the extra pins off of and then inserted and cart connector onto the top--hence the irregular cut lines near where the connector is soldered onto it. I could be wrong, though.

No, the board for the Family Converter is shorter than the Gyromite converter, plus the Gyromite converter has an NES10 chip which the Family Converter lacks (for obvious reasons).


But why does it say 60-72 then? Shouldn't it be 72 to 60?


the gyromite pcb would have the 72 pin connector be male instead of female.


I have exactly the same converter, fits okay, maybe yours was manufactured for some famiclone (although is really exactly the same as mine)....I recommend to shorten it by some rasper or something the pins, don't shorten one side more than the other, you should have perfect connection between it and connector.


I sold a few of those on here awhile back, I myself sanded the sides down for a perfect fit! They are excellent converters, but you should hot glue coat the soldered pins near the converter to form a stronger bond... Also saw off the two removal tabs as they are useless.


I also had to file down the sides on mine. It would fit in my AV Fami (albeit a very tight fit), but it wouldn't even fit in my Twin Fami until I filed the sides down. Typical pirate build quality I guess.


2A03, even still it's a nicely built converter; it doesnt feel as cheap as most pirate converters.


Quote from: The Uninvited Gremlin on October 04, 2011, 07:54:15 am
I sold a few of those on here awhile back, I myself sanded the sides down for a perfect fit! They are excellent converters, but you should hot glue coat the soldered pins near the converter to form a stronger bond... Also saw off the two removal tabs as they are useless.
Even after sanding it down, it's a tight fit. Breaking the tabs would make removing a NES cart a little tougher (for me anyway). I'll just stick with my Yobo brand converter.


Fair enough but the Family Converter has a higher compatiabilty with games and is less likely to just die for no reason.
I have had 2 Yobo branded converters before I got my Family Converter... both of them died early while the superior Family Converter is still functional.

You could always modify the FC to fit the YC's case; if the lack of case bothers you.


I've been meaning to ask but which side of the converter is the front? How do the carts face when inserting?