Need help playing FDS on powerpak

Started by chazbc24, September 27, 2011, 07:23:29 pm

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I didn't know PowerPak ran FDS, that opens my eyes on PowerPak as I could use it's FDS capabilities because I do not intend on owning a real FDS.

I am also still waiting on the Munchausen Flash Cartridge to be for sale. I want one so badly...


No offense, but how did you miss that the PowerPak runs FDS? It's been mentioned numerous times on this forum as well as on the site that sells them.


when i found out it had a built in nsf player is when i jumped on one


ericj, honestly unless I am very interested in the topic; I usually just skim... Personally I am not a big fan of PowerPak as it sounds like a pointless device. IE: It removes collecting out of the equation and allows people to play every single game. I figure if you are gonna buy a device for such a reason, why not just use a pc emulator and a USB NES controller. (much cheaper) If I bought a PowerPak it would only be for prototype games and FDS games.
The Munchausen Flash Cart interests me more as it's made specifically for developing games, so I can test out new rom hacks that I may decide to do on NROM or MMC-1 based games on real hardware.


Quote from: The Uninvited Gremlin on October 07, 2011, 07:25:09 pmI figure if you are gonna buy a device for such a reason, why not just use a pc emulator and a USB NES controller. (much cheaper)

Some of us play competitively and thus become sensitive to USB/LCD/emulation lag. Can't beat real hardware. :bub:


Quote from: The Uninvited Gremlin on October 07, 2011, 07:25:09 pm
ericj, honestly unless I am very interested in the topic; I usually just skim... Personally I am not a big fan of PowerPak as it sounds like a pointless device. IE: It removes collecting out of the equation and allows people to play every single game. I figure if you are gonna buy a device for such a reason, why not just use a pc emulator and a USB NES controller. (much cheaper) If I bought a PowerPak it would only be for prototype games and FDS games.

Who said the PowerPak had to substitute collecting? I've had a PowerPak for over a year and it hasn't changed my collecting habits one bit. If anything, it's been a life saver at friends' houses since I don't have to lug around a bunch of carts. Plus it's excellent for trying out games on real hardware that I may want to pick up in the future.


Precisely.I've had the PowerPak (PP) now for a few years, and my personal collecting habits have not changed. I use it for a combination of ease of portability, laziness, and of course to play custom game titles, including homebrew titles and hacks.

I do tend to use the real FDS over the PowerPak simulation, as the PP audio is far off from the real system's FM sound, however the ability to run FDS titles elsewhere without bringing more than a base FC console is a bonus. I also like that I can make homebrew or hacked FDS titles and test them using the PP.

Most of the titles I play on it are games that I own in multiple forms, and the PP makes it far easier to keep them on hand, in one place. It doesn't stop me from using standard game cassettes or disks, and in the case of games with FM sound or advanced mappers, I generally use the real game to avoid glitches or sound defects.

I only use real hardware myself, never emulators or clones, so to me the PP is a godsend when it comes to demonstrating games, having competitions, or simply visiting some mates for a game night. I do use a Famicom controller via USB for ZC, but I don't honestly get the same satisfaction out of using an emulator that I do sitting down with the actual console and the glow of a 1702 monitor.

It's also very handy for RPGs, as it makes it simple to use those translation IPS patches, thus allowing me to expand to RPGs that, while I may own, I can't actually play properly or fully understand.

Additionally, it makes it easy to keep backups of battery saves from games, and even to share those save files with others. This applies not only to RPGs, but also to games that keep player files, with high score values, etc.that you may want to share for non-local competitions.

For people that aren't actually collectors, but are merely interested in playing games, the PP may be the end answer, but for anyone that actually collects the real games for the sake of owning them, displaying them, or whatever motivation you might have, the PP is merely a tool that permits you additional flexibility and may protect the value of your collection. Honestly, it's been a lifesaver at conventions, as I need only track one single device, not a case of games and I can leave a cheap multicart in the console while unattended, shoving the PP into my pocket.

On a side note, you will need to modify whatever adapter you use on your FC if you want any of the additional sound effects generated by the PP:This modification differs from the one for the FDS. :bomb: