Manuel's Hardware Sale! Sony PSP, Famicom, Super Famicoms...

Started by manuel, October 01, 2011, 12:49:29 am

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I'll take numbers 1) and 5), and maybe number 14) if it can be shipped for the same price. I'll send you a pm asking for the total price and the method of payment once I checked your other sales thread.



I'm in the market for a PC-Engine (preferably a cheaper, non-CD unit) if you've got one to sell...

Hope you can cover your bills!


I think I have a PC Engine somewhere.
The stress is on "somewhere"... I have so much stuff in my room I don't even remember where I out what.  :o
I'll have a look some time.

I also hope I'll be able to cover those bills... thanks to my friend "major earthquake disaster" (in March) I don't have as much work and thus not as much money as I'd need.  :-\

Famicoms #1 and #5 are sold already! That was faster than expected!  :crazy:





I have reserved #3 for someone.
But if I don't hear from him until mid December it's free again.


If you come across another damaged famicom for parts i'm saving up :D You're also on the list for a  :diskkun: plushie if you want one  :gamer:


I can always find untested Famicoms, but I won't buy them any more unless somebody "orders" one.
I'm looking forward to see a prototype of that  :diskkun: plushie!  :)

Post Merge: December 03, 2011, 06:24:17 am

Added a PSP for sale!



How much would it cost for you to get me white Famicom for parts? I have a really yellowed one that works great but I woud love to swap the cases on. And I'm possibly interested in number 8. Can you describe the humming noise it make? Shipping to Georgia, USA.
Famicomman handle used since 2005
First Famicom Purchased December 12, 2011