My tabletop famicom

Started by cmv2, October 05, 2011, 07:38:08 am

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I'm still waiting for my NTSC xtals to arrive so I will update my progress next week! Thanks for everything!



December 07, 2011, 12:00:26 pm #47 Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 02:11:13 pm by pirate

Hi cmv2,

can you help me please,

how can i make it NTSC ?



and change xtal  26.6017125  PAL for 21.47727 for NTSC


Can you perhaps explain in detail how your determining which pins are suitable for this modification? It looks like in most cases the pins are close together on the board in 3 points, but I'd like to know more about it because sometimes it's not very obvious.


I have no more information, sometimes together and others are farther apart and in some cases can not be made, there are lots of NOAC models and do not know the pinout, I can only help as I know there is little

but we can put a post with photos of the modifications we have made

a greeting


December 10, 2011, 02:55:35 am #52 Last Edit: March 05, 2012, 08:00:22 pm by pirate
Thank you very much.


cmv2, your information has a great value, but due to Imageshack's recent change of user policy (I mean decent f*ckover) your provided pictures are no longer visible. Could you upload them again to some other image hosting service or directly to forum?

hippy dave

Big bump, hoping cmv2 might be able to help me out with switching my noac PowerJoy to 60hz.

I'm guessing the biggest glop is the noac.

other side of the board, I've got my eye on those pads above the crystal. You can see where it matches up with the first side by that diagonal hole.

Any ideas, are these photos good enough? (PowerJoy is a pain inside, to get the best photos I'd have to unscrew another couple of boards) - I've just ordered the crystal, so am feeling optimistic - cheers  8)


Quote from: hippy dave on September 08, 2015, 06:51:39 pm
other side of the board, I've got my eye on those pads above the crystal. You can see where it matches up with the first side by that diagonal hole.

Those 3 jumper pads should do the job (closed them to GND) while replacing the Xtal

hippy dave

Thank you! So to be clear, the three bottom pads can all be drawn together and connected to GND at one of the top pads. I'm considering running that and the crystals through a DPDT switch, should that work ok? No reason it would interfere with the crystals' timing?


September 10, 2015, 07:31:19 am #57 Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 07:39:52 am by Megadisk
Quote from: hippy dave on September 09, 2015, 07:37:00 am
Thank you! So to be clear, the three bottom pads can all be drawn together and connected to GND at one of the top pads.
All of the upper pads closer to the cartridge connector are GND, and if the jumpers need to be closed just link them together. After a closer inspection looks like there are more jumpers under (covered by) the Xtal. I'd like to see what's under there, they could be the ones. Does this power Joy has built-in games?

You could also link them one at the time until you find the correct setting, trial and error sort of speak.

Quote from: hippy dave on September 09, 2015, 07:37:00 am
I'm considering running that and the crystals through a DPDT switch, should that work ok? No reason it would interfere with the crystals' timing?
In theory that should work unless there is some sort timing delay issue.

hippy dave

Thanks again! Yes it has some built in games, in one of the smaller glops presumably. I don't think there are any more jumpers under the crystal, there's one big plain square that the top of the crystal is soldered down onto, and I think that's it, but I'll get a closer look to be sure next time I go in! New crystal and switch should be arriving in the next day or two.


September 10, 2015, 08:10:34 am #59 Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 11:30:40 am by Megadisk
Quote from: hippy dave on September 10, 2015, 07:56:18 am
Yes it has some built in games, in one of the smaller glops presumably.

I have seen in other Power Joy units jumpers for the built-in games, so there could be more jumpers than expected.
Quote from: hippy dave on September 10, 2015, 07:56:18 am
I don't think there are any more jumpers under the crystal, there's one big plain square that the top of the crystal is soldered down onto, and I think that's it, but I'll get a closer look to be sure next time I go in!
Judging by the pics looks like there very well could be some under there, the big plain square is GND and at times, the frequency jumpers are near by it, also the traces are usually closer to the Xtal.

If you don't mind me asking, where are you getting your NTSC Xtal from? I ask because all of the ones I've seen are not directly drop in replacements and have different specs, the applications for them might be in series or parallel and might not be enought to pull the frequency within tolerance.