I killed my PPU

Started by Pikkon, October 26, 2011, 12:07:55 am

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If I replaced it my fami should work fine?

Also is there anywhere or anyone that has a spare working PPU,if not I can always try and get another working Fami.


If you are sure your PPU is dead, then try contacting this guy on nesdev, he's selling some spare ones.. (I have bought stuff from him once, and I can reccommend him):
PS he doesn't have PayPal


Thanks for the link,much appreciated.
Yea pin 21 is gone,even checked it with my multimeter as I get no reading from it.

And if I get a ppu can I just piggyback it instead of desoldering the broken one.


October 26, 2011, 02:01:03 am #3 Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 06:37:12 am by jpx72
Quote from: Pikkon on October 26, 2011, 01:32:39 am
And if I get a ppu can I just piggyback it instead of desoldering the broken one.

Well that would certainly look interresting! :D like a dual core famicom :crazy:


Cool,thanks for the advice.

Well I going to put trying to fix my fami on hold for now as Im getting a AV Fami.


The NES PPU is identical if you have any spare, otherwise nonworking NES systems laying about. As another tip, don't solder the PPU in place: Solder in a good-quality socket and use the socket to set the PPU. Be sure to use a thermally regulated desoldering tool and soldering pencil! Buy one,even with a simple analogue thermostat, as it is usually applied heat that destroys them.  :bomb:


if you broke pin 21 doesn't mean the ppu is dead. use a razor blade to scrape the ppu until you reach the pin.


He's not getting a signal on an oscilloscope from p.21, after overheating it, from what I read. I don't think she simply snapped the lead; it's fairly simple to solder a new lead onto the IC, so I'm guessing if he has the technical capacity to check for a video signal, then he also knows how to repair a damaged package, though I could be a few too many steps ahead.  :bomb:


The leg is not broken,it looks fine but when I turn the system on with a game or not the screen is garbled.


That's pretty much what i expected, as it's none too hard to overheat the 2C02-series IC or to short it. If your video is garbled though, you may also have an S-RAM issue, and not a PPU issue, or another entirely different problem that relates to the two. I thought you were receiving no signal from p.21, not a corrupted signal.

What did you do to the system / mainboard that is a probably cause for this problem? :bomb: