Finds (Famicom/FDS)

Started by Alex930, July 30, 2006, 12:09:34 am

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I got some games this morning.

I already have Joy Mecha Fight, but I've always loved it a lot, so I'm glad to have it CIB.

SD Hero Soukessen, Splatterhouse Wanpaku Graffiti, Gun Dec and Ningen Heiki Dead Fox were all games I tried out on emulator beforehand, and loved them... especially Gun Dec. That game rules.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


It's threads like this that make you realise how awesome the Famicom library actually is.  So, so many great games that stand the test of time, so many shitty games that yet still have that sentimentality of the time.  I really love this system.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Completely agreed. I don't even have interest in any other system because no game library even comes close to that of the Famicom, from my perspective.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


I just had the same thought today.  Not even collecting NES games is as fun as collecting Famicom games.


Quote from: Nightstar699 on July 08, 2013, 12:49:06 pm
Completely agreed. I don't even have interest in any other system because no game library even comes close to that of the Famicom, from my perspective.

Yup, I feel the same.   I started off collecting NES and Famicom, but then sold most of my NES collection and started collecting Famicom afresh...I will never go back to collecting NES, and honestly the only other system I actively collect for (and play) is Game Boy, which is basically the portable version of the NEs/Famicom imo.  But I would instantly sell any of my GB stuff to acquire more Famicom stuff that I need or want for my collection.  Once you go Famicom , you never go back ;)
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


I went from collecting everything, to selling all except NES and Fami, then adding Gameboy, Virtual Boy and Super Famicom to the mix.

These are the 'sprite systems' I know and love and am really happy to keep playing.  Though N64 was great, something happened when 3D games came into the mix and I think a lot of what I love was lost during that transition.

Oddly, 3D Virtual Boy games (and Gameboy games) and Starfox still have that, so it can't be just 3D.
My for Sale / Trade thread


I very much agree with both of you guys. I mainly attribute my love for the Famicom to the simple fact that my favorite companies (Natsume, Irem, Konami, etc.) were at their absolute best back then. And I've managed to discover hundreds of Famicom games which I love and adore, but for most consoles I struggle to even find 5-10 games which I like, Famicom is the only exception to this.

Like FCGamer, I'd have to say the original Game Boy is my 2nd favorite system, it does have many games with similar quality to those on the Famicom... although I play mine on the GBA SP.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Nightstar was kind enough to sell me a few of his cartridge duplicates, and I'm stoked to give them a try! The little Kirby doodle on the envelope made me smile  ;D
Thanks, man!
I'll probably die surrounded by plastic crap.


You are very much welcome. The Kirby doodle is accredited to my lack of patience. Enjoy those three magnificent titles, if you enjoy them as much as I do, then we'll all be winners.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Quote from: Nightstar699 on July 14, 2013, 01:57:30 pm
You are very much welcome. The Kirby doodle is accredited to my lack of patience. Enjoy those three magnificent titles, if you enjoy them as much as I do, then we'll all be winners.

Those carts are real nice...some official carts I want to pick up some day soon :)
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


Some Famiclone carts...


I don't know how to add pics to this on a Mac, so I'll give you links. The first is the box of the bootleg Famicom Zapper I got from Venuzela on eBay: The second is thew auction page, so you can see that the gun ISN'T the same as the one on the box: The cart I got WAS the 4 games that were promised, but it was the same banana yellow of the gun guard, not the blue as advertised. Still, for $30, considering the original Famicom Light Gun is ten times that much, I think I got a good deal!


Very good finds.
This is what I get in the last few days


My Famicom and Famiclon Blog -


Nice!  Asmik-kun Land, Ghostbusters 2(HAL) and Don Doko Don 2 are next on my list.  I know that's DDD1 there before someone pipes up to say so :)
My for Sale / Trade thread


Those were some fine FC carts there, Waltergol. Wit's in particular is one that really doesn't get much attention. That's such a fun, simple game.
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