Finds (Famicom/FDS)

Started by Alex930, July 30, 2006, 12:09:34 am

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Quote from: MS-DOS4 on May 30, 2014, 09:48:06 pm
Been shopping here lately and found some nice things for sale.

From jordanloko
This gets me close to completing my donkey kong pirate collection. All I need now is Super Donkey Kong - Xiang Jiao Chuan.

From fcgamer
SMB2J Lost Levels
The label on this one was partially ripped off (and in chinese) so a new one was made. (excuse the poor x-acto knife work)
Here's a before and a good copy from the seller's collection

Nice label work! I do the same thing to carts with messed up labels. :)


Just received some new carts yesterday, today, and a few other days this week.  Time to thank the postal worker!

Also, want to give a big thanks to Louis on here for helping me get many of the games in the picture, as well as the bonuses he sent me.  Sometimes transactions take a long time to materialize, but boy they sure can be worth the wait  ;D
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What a collection! Enjoy them!  ;)
>>>Current Collection<<< Updated 8/20/2014

-Click here for Photobucket Collection-


Very very cool pirate carts you guys purchased!

Love the one with dipswitches.

Also I'm curious... What kind of game is Barbie? :D


Quote from: Elrinth on June 07, 2014, 06:21:39 am
Very very cool pirate carts you guys purchased!

Love the one with dipswitches.

Also I'm curious... What kind of game is Barbie? :D

Barbie is a platformer, not a very good one though.  It was never officially released on Famicom though, so you can only get it with Famiclone cart!
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June 07, 2014, 08:18:30 am #3681 Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 08:58:21 am by L___E___T
Nice carts, overall this is my favourite thread on the boards I think, maybe the Other Gaming finds as well with all Stealthlurker's treasures in!

Thanks to Stealthlurker I was able to pick up one of the Famicom Revolver Holsters:

Got some new Fami games thanks to Senseiman - have been looking for Dragon Fighter in particular for a while:

All of these are great fun so far, apart from Tom Sawyer if I'm honest.  I just got it because it's a Square title.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Oh how I want the HVC-006!

Dragon Fighter is the best game in that lot. I loved it! Not that I played many of the other games in the lot.


June 07, 2014, 08:56:34 am #3683 Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 10:21:10 am by L___E___T
There's a seller on YHJ that keeps relisting them, I may get another as this box is a tad crumpled even though the inside is beautifully new.

Cosmic Epsilon is very polished and good fun, but  Dragon Fighter was the main game for me.  I'm not very good at it so far, but it feels very balanced and iterative - the graphics and music are great.  

I do find it odd though that the main character is decked out in Dragon Armour, running around hacking down what appear to be dragon brethren :D

Post Merge: June 07, 2014, 10:20:19 am

Ok I read up on the controls and story, it does all make sense in that archetypical NES storyline way, which is ace.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: L___E___T on June 07, 2014, 08:18:30 am
Nice carts, overall this is my favourite thread on the boards I think, maybe the Other Gaming finds as well with all Stealthlurker's treasures in!

I totally agree!  I love seeing what the other collectors post, and am happy that they are willing to share their finds / collections with me.  Also, very nice holster, L___E___T, I would love to see pics of your hardware collection some day.  I have very little hardware in my collection, and I think I would be thrown off the balcony if I collected more of it  ;)

On another note, I found two boxes of scratch off cards a few days ago, thanks to a connection I have here.  These cards are bad ass, and there are a lot of cards to a box (maybe 500, I'm not sure).  Not sure if I should just keep these boxed, scratch a few off, mail them off to FW members when they purchase games from me, etc.  Not sure, any ideas?  I guess I could redo the bedroom wall, since it needs repainted anyway, lol.

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Woooooo! Congrats on getting the holster only pack LET!!  You want another one because it's not 110% perfect?! Haha! A collector within very discerning tastes  ;D



This is kind of an oddball find.  A Bandai cart with the label upside down. Must have put it through the labelling machine at the factor the wrong way.  I`ve never seen one like this before, anyone else?


June 08, 2014, 12:19:16 pm #3687 Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 12:33:00 pm by L___E___T
That's actually really nice I think - a nice oddity and evidence of production history - I'm quite surprised that one slipped through the net as well.

Post Merge: June 08, 2014, 12:33:00 pm

Quote from: fcgamer on June 07, 2014, 09:50:53 pm
L___E___T, I would love to see pics of your hardware collection some day.  I have very little hardware in my collection, and I think I would be thrown off the balcony if I collected more of it  ;)

Haha, believe me this has been discussed, it's something I'm becoming more and more aware of.  We have a term at home to describe our living conditions - it's 'a box life' because there are boxes and bags of stuff just everywhere.  Games, clothes, shoes, crisps/chips, noodles, old receipts, paper, all sorts of shit litters my room and it's a constant struggle to try and keep on top of it.

As a result a lot of my stuff has gone off to storage, where I worry about it.  I think in honesty I will probably sell the lot, as a lot in a few years time and keep my loose carts potentially.  Recently I started to collect a whole bunch of the best games as loose carts - but even that has turned into an expensive hobby and I've run out of space for it all.  Could I manage with one AV Famicom and an Everdrive? I'm, I'm not sure...

Either way there will be a chance to take all of this stuff out and photograph / documemt it at some stage.  I'm a few pieces away from a complete Famicom hardware collection, apart from the pieces I couldn't find brand new.  I have a Titler left to get, a Twin Famicom and some small bits that I should be able to locate without too much trouble.  Someone could open a shop with it all, or ideally a Famicom Museum.

There's a guy my mother used to work for that decided to collect old advertising memorabilia and built an impresive collection but more impressively he built a museum to house it all in.  It was amazing to walk through on 'take your kid to work' days and feel like you'd gone back in time, to a time I myself had never even seen.

Based in London now, here's his website:

Funnily enough, he has my old TV in there too plus some stuff from when I was young that is now considered modern antiques.

If you get a chance to visit London, please check this place out as it's very charming and a very unique site in a great part of London.  Famicom fans will 'get it' (AWAAAA).

TL;DR - I want to open a Famicom museum :bub:

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