Finds (Famicom/FDS)

Started by Alex930, July 30, 2006, 12:09:34 am

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it does sound like quite alot for unconfimed junk but since it works no harm no foul.


Over here and on eBay they sell for triple that amount so I was willing to take a gamble. I was certain that the cd drive was going to be faulty but it fired up just fine, was a lucky find! Much cheaper than buying a separate mega drive and cd addon separately and much much cooler. Just wish it had rgb but s-video is pretty crisp on my pvm.

Shumi Nagaremono

January 19, 2015, 03:05:47 am #3933 Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 03:19:29 am by Shumi Nagaremono
My trip to Fukuoka resulted in a pretty nice haul!

WAY too excited about the fire flower polo shirt and Famicom paperwork.

My wife and I stopped by the new-ish Book-Off Super Bazaar in Tenjin.  We scooped up a bunch of cheap bagged gashapon figures before noticing the Famicom box in a pile on a low shelf.  There was a sticker on the front saying "Box Only", which was weird, since I have NEVER seen just a box for sale at a retail store like Book-Off.  And it's not like this was some high-priced item.  The thing was only 100 yen.  I've already got a box for my Famicom, but I wondered if *maybe* there was something in the box.  And there was!  *ALL* of the paperwork.  The manual, all those little colored paper bits, and even the comic book.  Score!  The wife still doesn't get why I was so thrilled, but it's incredibly rare to find paperwork like that in the wild. 

The games came from everywhere *except* Book-Off, where no carts (including mah-jong and pachinko titles) dipped below 950 yen.  Mostly Namcot titles.  :)  :)  :)


Nice finds!  :fire:

The famicom box and the paperwork are very beautiful to look at! :D



January 21, 2015, 02:56:04 am #3936 Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 03:01:33 am by fcgamer
Very nice!  Mostly NES exclusives there!

Post Merge: January 21, 2015, 03:01:33 am

Are monster truck rally and defenders of dynatron city correct labels?  I mean, Is that really the game on those two?
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


Quote from: fcgamer on January 21, 2015, 02:56:04 am

Post Merge: January 21, 2015, 03:01:33 am

Are monster truck rally and defenders of dynatron city correct labels?  I mean, Is that really the game on those two?

Of course labels are correct and games too ;)

I can send you the tittle screen.

BTW... defenders of dynatron city and Arumana no Kiseki is extremely difficult to find...


Quote from: cieniu71 on January 21, 2015, 08:31:13 am
Quote from: fcgamer on January 21, 2015, 02:56:04 am

Post Merge: January 21, 2015, 03:01:33 am

Are monster truck rally and defenders of dynatron city correct labels?  I mean, Is that really the game on those two?

Of course labels are correct and games too ;)

I can send you the tittle screen.

BTW... defenders of dynatron city and Arumana no Kiseki is extremely difficult to find...

Okay, thanks if you can send me title screen pics please!  I just want to add those two games to my list, since I never saw Famicom carts of them before ;)

With Arumana no Kiseki, I have that one too :)  Fun game
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


Nice find Shumi at that Tenjin Super Bazar, its nice to know there are still good finds to be made out in the wild like that.

I made a significant addition to my Famicom cart collection yesterday, Yasuda Fire & Safety Rally!  Probably the most valuable loose cart in my collection now and I`m glad to have it scratched off my needed list.


I just bought these off of facebook for $27 shipped. I mainly wanted the converter but nice to have the pirate carts also

Nasa Games SuperAdapter

Juegos (Games) NES 20-in-1 Cart

50-in-1 Cart (Actually lists 142 games)

96-in-1 Cart

Super Games (lists 999,999,999 games)

Shumi Nagaremono

Quote from: senseiman on January 23, 2015, 06:33:08 pm
Nice find Shumi at that Tenjin Super Bazar, its nice to know there are still good finds to be made out in the wild like that.

I made a significant addition to my Famicom cart collection yesterday, Yasuda Fire & Safety Rally!  Probably the most valuable loose cart in my collection now and I`m glad to have it scratched off my needed list.

Oh, wow!  Small world!   I just saw that cart for the first time *ever* Thursday afternoon.  It was at "Friends" in Akiba.  Probably wouldn't have even noticed, if not for the massive asking price!


Here are my most recent finds:

Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


Cocoron CIB, AND Daiku No GenSan 2 in the same picture? Some wise choices you've been making lately, FCGamer. I approve!
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Good job with the hammerin harry 2!