Finds (Famicom/FDS)

Started by Alex930, July 30, 2006, 12:09:34 am

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I've been after Daiku no Gen San 2 for ages, seems it hardly ever shows up!
My for Sale / Trade thread


The FC carts minus Doraemon were from senseiman!

Shumi Nagaremono

Pick ups for the last few weeks.  Bunch of "meh", but a lot of stuff I've *really* been enjoying.  Fantasy Zone is addicting as all get out!


There's no way you got prices like that in akiba. Where are you shopping???


Prices are not always so expensive in Akihabara unless you are shopping at the retro store on the main street where everything is like twice as much.  There are definitely deals to be found. 


Quote from: featherplucknfilms on February 09, 2015, 04:00:05 pm
Prices are not always so expensive in Akihabara unless you are shopping at the retro store on the main street where everything is like twice as much.  There are definitely deals to be found. 

I agree. I got some great deals on CIB Famicom and Super Famicom games when in Akihabara. You just have to stay away from the main street and places like Super Potato.
Here are a few games I am looking for right now
Super Puzzle Fighter II X (Sega Saturn)
GeGeGe no Kotarou (Sega Saturn)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Sega Saturn)
KiKi KaiKai (PC Engine) (CIB)
Puzzle Bobble (Super Famicom) (CIB)


Very nice stuff!  I hope to make a trip to Japan this winter, if I can save the money, and grab some games. 
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!

Shumi Nagaremono

Quote from: famiac on February 09, 2015, 03:28:09 pm
There's no way you got prices like that in akiba. Where are you shopping???

The 10 yen games came from the really expensive Retro Game Camp on Akiba's main street.

Ninja Ryukenden, the Fantasy Zone games, and DK/Math was from Friends (also in Akiba)

The stuff in the Hi no Tori pic were from a Book-Off in Kawasaki

The other commons were from Trader and Sofmap.


Nice! I can't wait to go back to japan. I applied for an internship at a university in japan, so hopefully i'll be spending my summer there.


I dream about living in Japan so many times.  You guys who do and buy all these cool cheap games torture me so much.  If I win the powerball lotto tonight that's actually high on my list of things to spend my winnings on.  ;D


Just got these games yesterday / today in the mail:

I really like the 4 in 1 multicart, really cool rip off case design.  Normally I sell the multis I get, but once in awhile I find one I really like, and just keep it, for the aesthetic reasons.

The Dragonball game completes the horror that is Dragon Ball games on Famicom.  I think I have all of those, by now.

Jaws and Marble Madness, two games that never officially made it to the Famicom.  I used to play Jaws as a kid on the NES, so I have some good memories with that one.

Sweet Home, had a chance to grab it cheap and I needed it.

Finally, Tailor Made and Safety Rally.  I grabbed the copies that Dr. Morbis had listed for sale on ebay.  He has been collecting for ages, and we dealt with each other 10 or 15 years ago, so he was the type of guy I would want to purchase such rare games from, to know they are authentic and what not.  For purchasing the two games, he gave me a nice discount (he wanted the money to make another purchase of sorts himself), and luckily I then was put in touch with someone that purchased a lot of items from me, helping me to fund this purchase.  When actually figuring in the cost of the items I sold, I  got each of these games for around $225 a piece.  Not bad, I guess, though as we all know, these are more collector's pieces than anything else.

Post Merge: February 12, 2015, 09:46:09 pm

On another note, this will be one of my last Famicom purchases from abroad (the Tailor Made / Safety Rally purchase) until I can get things 100% straightened out with the devil itself, i.e. paypal.  It is sort of a strange feeling, I add two of the rarest Famicom games to my collection, have less than 300 games to go for a complete set, and then... poof!  Suddenly I am limited as to making purchases online.  So strange, to be so close to finishing the goal, and then so far at the same time, due to something as silly as payment methods.    :'(

As a result, I think at the end of 2015, I might just make a trip to Japan and see what I can find!
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


Really cool pickups only ever seen "them 2" carts many years ago in akiba they are really nice shelf pieces.
We should setup a famicom world Japan trip so all of us from around the globe can meetup and share stories have a drink find some goods.


Quote from: XiTaU on February 12, 2015, 11:45:36 pm
Really cool pickups only ever seen "them 2" carts many years ago in akiba they are really nice shelf pieces.
We should setup a famicom world Japan trip so all of us from around the globe can meetup and share stories have a drink find some goods.

Haha, I would love that.  That sounds like a grand time.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again - nothing better in the hobby than to share with others. 
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


Hoping to come and find you in Taiwan when we go FCGamer!
My for Sale / Trade thread

Shumi Nagaremono

Famicom World Japan meet up would be epic.