Finds (Famicom/FDS)

Started by Alex930, July 30, 2006, 12:09:34 am

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That is totally awesome! Great hack!
Retro Gaming Life


That's a cool hack!  I love how on the character select, you can be SUPER MARIO IV or... Luigi...
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


ha, I'm still getting over the label art, that is a true Fagin style Mario..!
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: 133MHz on April 22, 2009, 12:27:08 pm
Awesome finds! I've never heard of such a crazy Mario hack before! :o

The 'window things' are EPROMs, reprogrammable chips. You can erase them by exposing their windows to UV light, like the Sun. Most of them come with a piece of sticky tape over the window to avoid accidental erasure. Also, those are very old EPROMs.

The 'two-tone cart' was probably caused by a price tag or some other kind of label partially obscuring one section of the plastic. The rest of the cart yellowed due to being exposed to the Sun, while the covered part did not.

Thanks for the information--none of my other carts have the reprogrammable chips.  That is a very cool feature I was unaware of.   And I figured there was a sticker over a portion of the Recca cart, though the odd discoloration (in comparison to the light blue) seemed odd, as it is more of a green than aged yellowing (though I suppose yellow+blue=green).  

And thanks to others for the compliments on the SMB4.   Planet Haxxor referred to SMB4 as SMB1 with diffferent rules and glitches, which is no surpise as every game I got resulted in numerous black Q-Tips and paper towels (and a fair amount of contact cleaner).  No doubt I am quite happy with what I found after a good cleaning.  


April 22, 2009, 06:12:05 pm #1189 Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 10:22:45 am by Medisinyl
Quote from: L___E___T on April 22, 2009, 06:01:45 pm
ha, I'm still getting over the label art, that is a true Fagin style Mario..!

It looked more like some version of Waluigi to me.  And it is quite strange that JC got a Chip'n'Dale hack from the same cart and label.

EDIT:   I've noticed some other changes as well now.  The mushrooms and poison mushrooms have a different  (somewhat better) graphic, and the ugly, bland background mushrooms have been changed into Toad's House from SMB3 (this can be seen in my last photo set).  And the fire flower doesn't do anything but give you points, as you get fire power from a mushroom and will change into the fire suit if you beat a level as big mario without getting the flower.    I also found that if you jump on an enemy while using the star swim that you will be launched out the top of the screen (similar to how the super springs bounce you in SMB2j).  Thankfully if you jump the flag, the screen does not progress endlessly and trap you--it stops after the castle so you can't push the flag off the screen.    (you can't just swim out the top of the screen, but once you are up there, you can swim to stay out of the screen as long as you like).  I think the coin boxes look nicer in this version too despite the "4" on them... SMB2j boxes don't blend with the game as well.


I managed to get the tape off without damaging the label (thanks to using contact cleaner to kill the adhesive without harming the cart or label). 


Received a few games in the mail today:

Total cost: 7 DVDs I had kicking around the house and no longer wanted.  :)


/\  Considering how little you can get for DVDs nowadays, you got one hell of a deal with Splatterhouse + the others (is the top one that penguin that has to lose weight for his girlfriend?--I plan on getting that at some point)


All great games. I agree that that's an awesome trade. Splatterhouse is great, but it was a little to hard for me. :-[


Quote from: Medisinyl on April 23, 2009, 07:30:39 pm
is the top one that penguin that has to lose weight for his girlfriend?

Yep, it's Yume Penguin Monogatari.


I've got some new stuff coming:

Bee 52
Flash and Batman
Korean multicart -- hoping it'll have something cool on it
3 in 1 light gun multi
Urban Champion -- Nintendo pulse line
Some RPG by Future
The Universe Soldiers
Dragon Ball Z 2
Miracle Stone
Chinese Chess
Dragon Knife
Power Punch II
Mortal Kombat II
Mario Pizza Pop
Super Bros. 11

And 25 other games in lots -- some of them are really neat.


Just got this in from ckenda1 (Famicomshop):


Yume Pengin Monogatari is one of the best games out there.  Its one of the few that I've played right through to the end.  Good deal for some DVDs.


From JC:  Hino Tori, Snow Bros., and a 66 in 1


New stuff from ckendal: