Where can I get an AV Famicom? How about some accessories?

Started by Josh, February 13, 2007, 01:15:56 pm

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Are there any online stores that might still carry a new AV Famicom?  And since the system doesn't come with accessories beyond the two controllers, where can I get a new AC Adapter and AV cable?  Does Nintendo Co., Ltd. have an online store for these things?


the AV cable is the standard snes/n64/gamecube one. That's easily attainable. The ac adaptor can be purchased on Yahoo Auctions Japan or you could ask one of our resident ebay sellers to track one down for you. As for the unit, Japan Game Stock is the only non-auction source, and they may have one. Or you could try your luck at ebay, or Yahoo Auctions Japan through an intermediary service (Since japanese will not, for any reason, deal with american buyers)


Okay, I was going to ask how I could buy something on Yahoo! Auctions Japan, but then you told me that I'd have to get the help of someone living in Japan...

Why is Japan Game Stock the only other source?  Aren't there any other online sites that might service North America?  Seems a bit strange to me...   ???

Okay, so this is all I found on eBay, but I think the seller is a bit crazy:


These things retailed for, like, $60...

Maybe I can get him to go lower...Wouldn't hurt to try, I guess.  ~_~


It seems he's declined alot of offers. No, you dont need the help of someone living in Japan, you need an intermediary service such as www.rinkya.com or any of the other proxy bidding services. Problem is you pay a commision. I reccommend using ebay, they pop up once and awhile (like every other week)


THAT'S AWESOME!!  And it's funny that on the home page of Rinkya, I'm able to read that little bit of Japanese.  :P

Hey, so what other proxy bidding sites are there?  This is so cool!

EDIT:  I can't get over how cool this is!




Yeah, I found a list over here:


I also found some more smaller ones using Google.  These things are really cool.  I never knew they existed.  This really opens up a lot of possibilities!


Yeah, just remember they rape you in terms fee's. Not only do they charge commision, they charge handling fee's!!!!


SMJ doesn't charge any handling fees, just the commission (which is very competitive) and shipping. 

As mentioned before, you don't need to get a Famicom AC adapter, I use a regular old 9v center negative.  A Genesis power supply will work fine, or a universal supply from an electronics store.


yeah but a regular one isnt 100v which is what the famicom takes, although its irrelevant if you arent using a power converter. if you are using a power converter you cant just use any power adaptor can you?


The Famicom doesn't take in 100v.  That's the input voltage of the original adapter, not the output voltage.  All that matters is the output voltage.


So, you're saying that if you juice 120v into a 100v adaptor, the only thing that's affected is the adaptor, since it's output would be the same? Or would that screw with the output, hence the need for a voltage converter.


yes but if you are using a 120v adaptor on a product intended for 100v, i dont think thats a good idea at all


Quote from: JC on February 17, 2007, 11:17:01 pm
So, you're saying that if you juice 120v into a 100v adaptor, the only thing that's affected is the adaptor, since it's output would be the same? Or would that screw with the output, hence the need for a voltage converter.

No, I'm saying the input of the adapter doesn't matter as long as you are feeding in the correct input.  If i had a 10,000 volt line and had a power adapter that could take that and convert it to 9v, it'd work on the famicom.  As for using 100v Japanese adapters, they generally will work within a +/- 10v variance.  I've got a Japanese minidisc AC adapter that won't work properly here, however I do have a Japanese power supply for a CD player that charges it just fine. 

The point is, if you go to a store and buy an adapter from Target or somewhere that outputs 9v center negative, you are fine.  You can use a Genesis power supply, as mentioned, you can use a universal supply from radio shack, you can use anything made for the US that outputs 9v.  Or you can buy a 120v->100v stepdown converter and use the original Famicom adapter.  There's nothing magical about the original adapter, it's just converting voltage like any other adapter will.


If you are seeking a Japanese AV Famicom a good source for these would be auctions.yahoo.co.jp, they tend to go for about 5000 yen on the site. Much better then some of the American eBay prices of near $200. But most of us do not have Japanese addresses so we cannot register for Yahoo.co.jp, so what do we do to resolve this situation. Luckily where there is a demand there is business, so someone provides a service for those of us really wanting stuff from Japan. Rinkya.com will allow those of us state side to find auctions and bid on them, their service fees will be about $20 dollars for an AV Famicom. If you are really lucky you might even get some games with your purchase.
And on a side note, I would highly recommend getting a power converter or using a standard American AC adapter for the system, either from someplace like radio shack or your old NES system, I will be getting an Famicom AV within a few weeks and I will post when I have a better means to play with the power supply. Of course you can always just get a step down transformer, which will probably cost close to $20 plus shipping. Now if you are getting a Japanese gaming system that has no external power conversion like say a sega saturn, dreamcast, ps1, or ps2 it is imperative for the life of your system to get a step down power converter, 120V AC will cook your system overtime and repairs are very hard to get. Anything with a standard DC in if you can buy something from Radio shack or someplace else that uses the proper connection and voltage level with a current rating the system needs. If you have any questions or need help please feel free and conact me.
Your not cleared for that.