What Languages Do You Speak?

Started by Jedi Master Baiter, February 14, 2007, 02:42:21 pm

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Spanish (Argentinian/Latin American)
Portuguese (Brazilian)
English (American)


Quote from: jpx72 on May 03, 2011, 01:24:16 am
Meh my turn at old topic dig-out!
My languages:
Slovak (natively)
Czech (it's very similar to Slovak)
English (fluent, I hope :D)
German (I can understand almost everything said and written, but talking is something different)
Polish (the same as German, but a LOT better :D)
(and I do understand all Slavic languages a bit, like Russian, Bulgarian, languages of former Yugoslavia...)

Japanese? No, I don't have time anymore to study this language, but I was really desperate learning it when I was younger, so only some basics remained.

:o Europeans always impress me with their ability to speak multiple languages.


Polish (of course)
English (pretty well I think and still learning ;) )
Japanese (not too much but still learning sometimes)
German (not so well, I hate this language...)


Speak and read some Latin, Middle-English and German, and I'm learning Japanese (quite slowly, natch.)... Additionally Zoreac, Quenya and Sindarin, if you count them; I also speak, write and read proper English.  8)

Mandarin and Spanish (Castilian) are on my list to learn before I'm too senile...  :bomb:


Mandarin Chinese (Simplified characters and Pinyin).
One or two Spanish and Korean words.
Quote from: kite200 on February 14, 2007, 02:57:11 pm

uh i can say f your mother and hello in chinese.

Fuck your mother.
Tā mā de nì de māma.
Nì hăo.
I mainly collect Gamecube (GCN) items. I collect other items too, but I'm focusing on my GCN collection currently.


I see I didn't post in this thread yet.

I speak, read and write:

I studied Spanish long ago but forgot most of it, and also some Mandarin Chinese. I still remember the basic grammar/syntax (basic Chinese grammar is actually very easy for an Indo-European language speaker). And since I know Swedish I can also understand Norwegian and written Danish (spoken Danish sounds like Swedish/Norwegian with porridge in your throat and is therefore impossible to comprehend).


When I said English, I mean American (U.S.) English. I have friends in the U.K., and can tell the small differences between U.S. and U.K. English.
I mainly collect Gamecube (GCN) items. I collect other items too, but I'm focusing on my GCN collection currently.



I only truly speak English and German, though my German is quite rusty.  I have no problems with reading, and my listening comprehension is intermediate.  I used to be able to write it okay too, but by now I have forgotten a lot of the grammar.  Must get back to this one.

Likewise, I did some self study on Dutch for quite some time, and then ended up having a native Afrikaans-speaking roommate for awhile.  I quickly used the opportunity to switch / convert my Dutch knowledge to learn Afrikaans, and I actually got fairly conversational at my peak.  He left though, and I really haven't had time to keep up with it.

Spanish, I studied for 2 and a half years at the uni and promptly forgot most of it.  I would like to review this one again, though I never liked this language, due to all of the crazy verb tenses.

Chinese, well I have some survival skills in it.  I can get around and do some things, but I am not fluent by any means, though I hope to take some formal classes this fall.

So there you have it.  If I had to communicate with a non-English speaker, my first choice of  language would be German, followed by Afrikaans.  After that, I *could* survive off of my Spanish or Chinese, but it is sometimes really labored.  Also, Middle English is quite easy for me to read and understand fluently, thanks to all of my previous studies in Germanic languages and obsolete word cognates.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!



The English education in Sweden is that of British English, but because of the overwhelming influence the American culture has on the world, my English is probably a mix of British and American English.

The hardest part of Mandarin for me, is memorizing how the four tones are used in every word. Also while I don't have too much problem memorizing new Chinese characters (since I know Japanese), I had a hard time remembering how they were pronounced (and I forgot most of it by now). Basically I can read some Chinese but definitely not understand spoken Chinese.


Monte Negro
little bit Macedonian
little bit Albanian
some Slovenian

: D


I speak English. I used to understand some french but that is all but gone now.


My Bosnian / Croatian friend of mine in the States told me that one time he knew a guy that had put B/C/M/S all on a resume to be hired, but that the hiring manager just happened to be from that region himself, and saw through the deception  ;D

Quote from: smeghead on March 25, 2014, 09:45:24 am
Monte Negro
little bit Macedonian
little bit Albanian
some Slovenian

: D

Family Bits - Check Progress Below!



every one visiting here speaks at least little bit English

plus, I speak Chinese (Mandarin,  a tiny bit of Cantonese  and the dialect Hokkien in my hometown)

i stayed in Switzerland (French zone), and I only remember Bonjour, salute, mercy bu gu.
I watch some Korean and Japanese AV movies, and that is why I know some f* words, yidaiyou (don't do this to me :)),


English, bad english and Loganese  ;D


Quote from: MaxXimus on March 25, 2014, 12:46:43 pm
I speak English. I used to understand some french but that is all but gone now.

Same here. Learned french from kindergarten to grade 9, then started forgetting. My gf is fluently french, even I'm french and can't speak very well. I'm also half Polish and don't know how to speak that either.

I'm learning some basic Japanese for fun on the side at a very casual pace. Japanese, and maybe french, are the only languages I want to learn.