Famicom AC-Adapter and General Power F.A.Q.

Started by Xious, November 18, 2011, 06:54:54 pm

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I have no idea but I guess they use different systems at different times and places. I said postal code only because there's a postal mark before it.


Hi everyone,
Didn't every 18 pages and I'm looking for help to understand something strange.
I own several genuine Famicom AC-Adapter (HVC-002).
When I want to measure the voltage directly from the barrel, I get 16v.
Is there an explanation why it's working with these over-voltaged adapters?


It's likely because you are measuring it when it's not under load which will give you a higher result.
Even if you measure it under load you will still not get exactly 10 V either though, and that's because AC-DC-adapters are cheap and not stable enough, which is why there is a need for the 7805 voltage regulator as well to get it down to stable 5 V.
