Famicom AV multi-taps: Any around?

Started by Trenton_net, December 01, 2011, 10:47:10 am

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Hey Everyone,

Supposing you own an Famicom AV console and wanted to play some Nekketsu Kunio Kun games multi-player on it, what kind of adapter would you need for the expansion port? And do any adapters split into regular NES game pads? I assume no one makes these anymore so it's going to be expensive as heck?



December 01, 2011, 10:54:46 am #1 Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 07:41:16 pm by UglyJoe
There were four-player adapters for the Famicom (the Hori "4 Players Adaptor", for example), although they seem to be exceedingly rare.  If you want one that takes NES controllers, it's definitely a custom-build.  See here for a prior discussion:


Post Merge: December 01, 2011, 07:41:16 pm

Actually, now that I think about this -- and anyone can feel free to tell me I'm wrong if they know better -- probably you only mostly saw adapters for using two controllers with the expansion port.  Since two controllers were built in to the console, you wouldn't need a four-way adapter, just a two-way.  Additionally, I don't believe it would have to be any kind of special adapter to assign the controllers as players 3/4 instead of 1/2, as I believe that's entirely controlled via software.


Can you use a four score for NES with the AV Famicom and dogbone controllers?
My for Sale / Trade thread


No.  The FC and the NES handle player three/four input differently, so the NES hardware and FC software are incompatible in this case.