Packages Getting Stolen...Any Ideas?

Started by FamicomFreak, December 27, 2011, 03:22:19 pm

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So I had been going through some crap lately! Packages I've been ordering online have ended up missing! I do check online and according to the USPS they were delivered certain day but I never got them. I went to them and they told them there is nothing they can do. Do you think they can just check the package as delivered and then just keep them? Or some neighbor stealing them? I'm not sure how to approach this but I already lost over 100 dollars worth of stuff and no one wants to give me a straight answer or solution...
Retro Gaming Life


There should be a way for the post office to hold packages until you pick them up. If it keeps happening, file a police report. $0-$299 is petty theft.


Retro Gaming Life

Parodius Duh

yes they should not be leaving packages at your doorstep, but an orange slip stating you have a package that they tried to deliver when you were not home. You then should be able to pick it up or they will re-deliver it. If they left a package on your doorstep and it was stolen you can file a police report against them and if you can find out, specifically the mail carrier that delivers to your address!


December 27, 2011, 05:27:38 pm #4 Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 05:32:54 pm by ericj
Put up a webcam that watches your doorstep.  :) Catch the bastard & get back your stuff.

I hate when the USPS doesn't leave my packages and leaves a pink slip instead. They only have to do this if the package requires a signature; otherwise, it's at their discretion (i.e., doesn't look safe, high crime area...). Nothing irks me more than having to drive to the post office to retrieve a package that should have been left, since I usually have to wait in a long line for well over 30 minutes to get it. Your post office may not be as busy, so it'd be less of a bother. Or perhaps you're much more patient than I am.

Jedi Master Baiter

Quote from: ericj on December 27, 2011, 05:27:38 pm
Put up a webcam that watches your doorstep.  :) Catch the bastard & get back your stuff.

Better yet - you should booby trap fake packages in front of your house, & then put up a webcam!

You could even livestream it! :D


I got a couple of ideas involving one where I put my excrement in a box that I will leave outside for the culprit to take home. I will hide my excrement in packaging material and they will hopefully put their disgusting hands into it and pick it up out of the box. MUAHAHAHAHAHAH that'll show them!
Retro Gaming Life


If you want it to be super gross place it in a closed non seethru container mixed with both sewages. That will definitely bring on the pain.


Retro Gaming Life


I don't know how it works with USPS, but I think it is like Parodius said. They shouldn't leave it by your door, and if it gets stolen it is their responsibility.
Don't you have to sign for packages?
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").


You ONLY have to sign for USPS packages if they're sent with a "signature required" option selected for delivery. This is not the default option. FamicomFreak would be wise to tell anyone who ships him stuff to send it this way.

The post office leaves packages by your door or in your mailbox; otherwise, unless, as I stated earlier, their discretion tells them to instead leave a slip.

It's not their responsibility if a package gets stolen. That's one of the things the extra insurance you can buy is for.