Flashback Not in Operation - Due to FIRE - Temporary Halt on All Activities

Started by Xious, February 22, 2012, 12:26:18 pm

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I just got out of the county ICU and Burn Center yesterday night, where for a couple days I wa hooked up to every instrument in the word while they removed the skin from my hands...: My entire home and worhshoppe burned down this week, taking nearly every object inside with them. The fire started at my tech bench and I could not contain it, even at personal risk to myself, and I have no idea what is what at present. The entire area is full of melted plastic, metal, scrap, black slime and whatnot...  :fire:

Over 200 FC unit, dozens of Twins. thousands of games, and just about every FDS title, including keys, gold disks and the like, (most in duplicate) went up in the blaze. I have solid blocks of them that I will photograph for you allm once I can, as my camera iwas nowhere to be seen, and could be a blob of plastic and glass . One at least of the games was unique, and to be honest, I am so devastated that I am at a loss for words.

As things progress, I will replace or reimburse any customer items, paid orders, or service jobs in my possession. I am not closing my doors, but I am halting all operations (for now), with no known time at which point I shall resume. Likely in the fall. I will remain on the boards, but I will be unlikely to be selling or buying anything. I will however continue to work on the NESpander and RetroIdeo products. (My NESPander prototypes were burned up as well.)

Honestly, everything I loved just turned to ashes, so I'm at a loss for what to do at all. Maybe I'll move to Nippon or H, find a nice lady and just retire.

There is little else I can do at present, and my $50,000+ Famicom collection,including actual unique games and items, my C1, my entire Sharp collection, my virgin SBFCs, and all that I had poured my heart and soul into for years is gone, dust, cinders, or melted plastic. I hold out hope that some is salvageable, but the fire claimed about 2/3 of my building.

My collection, and my inventory all essentially went up in smoke, After I was released last night I went to inspect the damage... Looking at was once my life is truly and utterly depressing, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do, or if I will ever resume doing this. Photos will follow when I can replace my camera. I can't even find my wallet and car keys and was taken away stark naked as my clothing (that I was wearing) ignited, and I choose not to be burned up.

I have moderate to severe second-degree burns on my hands and arms, mostly from trying to put out the fire and to stop it spreading. I thought I had it out, and as I went outside for clear air and to treat my burns, I looked back and saw giant red columns of flame and thick black plumes of smoke rushing out at me. I had to rip my shirt and pants off (that had caught on fire) and thus, i was stark naked when I ran out to the front to call for the firemen. 

My phone went up too, as did my wallet. My netbook was thankfully in the car, as were the backups of my literary work. Everything depends now on what the insurance company does, as I am up the Styx with a spoon and no copper coins.

I have a temporary pay-by-the-day phone on which any of you you may ring me. Just ask for the number.

Right now I honestly have no emotional capacity remaining at all... I have severe burns on my hands, and I am not even sure if I will be able to do this kind of work in the future. If now, I will live up to my word and release my documentation on FDS service. I had not intended to do so for years, but if I am never going to do it again, I will tell you all how to do it.

I will also never stop playing these games, but I think that if I do decide to rebuild my collection, I will do it from inside Nippon.

In any case, if you have anything with me, your equipment is covered. I may take a vacation to Nippon to recover, and if I do, I will be sure to get you something in addition to replacing your damaged system. If there is anyone living there (who smokes) that wouldn't mind a visitor for a while, that would be fantastic.  :bomb:


Holy crap, man.  I am so sorry to hear that.  Glad to hear that you got out alive but, wow, I can't even imagine...


This is very awful i'm so sorry to here this. i'm happy your still alive. No one can put into words how you feel again i'm do sorry


Xious, I just got your PM. Very sorry to hear this, but I'm glad you're okay. Hoping for a swift recovery for you.


Wow, you are an unlucky person. A vacation to Nippon would probably be nice in your situation.
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").
blog: http://japanspel.blogspot.com


I'm not even sure what to type. I don't want to tell you what you already know, but that's terrible. Every collection is unique, and I couldn't imagine knowing it's gone. But never mind your stuff, I'm glad that you're alive. I think now is the time to get away.


Omg, I am so glad that you survived! That's all that truly matters.


Sorry to hear man. Glad that you're alive and I hope you recover soon.  :star:


Wow, that's awful.  :'(
I'm glad you were safe at least. And I hope that the insurance company will pay for the damage. Good luck with that.


Some stuff i can never replace. Assuming I get a decent payout, i will be visiting Nippon and may pick up some  things, but it will never be the same, especially things like the NOS Shougi II : Extra Puzzles (that is $35,000 over on Tea4Two).

I had just received what was essentially yhe last few disks that i was missing from a full FDS set too. Now that are all yellow goop. I'm not sure what kind of collecting I will do in the future, but it will be many years before I have the spirit to care again/ I may still do the occasional servicing to be nice, but you folks may just get my guide to fixing this stuff and I may retire from doing it after this loss.

I think the only things i really want to do now are finish my novels, my game system, my ZQuest game and travel. Who knows, I might move to Osaka and then we can sit and play games together, and I can find  nice Japanese lady to marry like you did. That's the way to go. Maybe I can set up a shoppe there too, where it makes more sense.

I just can't believe that the last several decades of my FC collection just got destroyed in less than a hour, and I still need to make up for customers everything they had on order or in for repair. That includes your stuff Kiddo... I will either replace it, or just send you some money once I can.

Once I have a camera again i will take and post photos so we can all cry together. Some games just got much rarer.

Once all is said and done, i will likely liquidate any of the charred or slightly melted games for people who just want to play them, or just start doing 'raffles' here or something. My heart has nor gone cold on the subject of doing this, as I have gone from having the most robust FC inventory in the world to ashes and dust.

I will of course, be focusing on developing new stuff, so that at least has not ended, and my circuit designs (and books) were all spared, as I had them backed up elsewhere.  :bomb:


I"m sorry for your loss.  I can't imagine what ti's like to lose everything that way.   :(


bad times! I'm sure you feel terrible, but at least you're alright, and you can start to rebuild. In the meantime, there's always emulation at the very least.


I'm sorry to hear all this. It must have hurt you so much. Glad that you are still there and hope you recover soon!


Life can be a cruel bitch.  :'(  Here's to your recovery, personally and professionally.

Parodius Duh

Absolutely terrible, awful news. Best of luck to you in this rough time. I dont know what I would do if my collection, especially rare items burned up....... Id probably sit there and go along with them.