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XBOX 360 anyone?

Started by vealchop, February 25, 2007, 10:44:08 pm

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had a freelance gig and made some quick cash this weekend. I think I'm gonna pick up an xbox 360. From what I hear Gears of War is the best game of the last few years. And that Dead Rising game looks SICK! anyone got one?


My younger brother bought an XBox 360 when it came out, but I see him playing with the original XBox more than the newer one. I think he doesn't find the games to be all that good. But perhaps when Halo 3 comes out in November, it'll have been worth the money.


im sure halo will be worth the money, those are fun games


If you're favorite genre is shooters (or sports), you should get an Xbox 360.  Beyond that, though, there's really nothing the game library has to offer.  Sure, there is Dead Rising, an action game, and Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata are coming out later this year in North America for RPGs, but I personally think $400 just for the system is not worth it for these few games.  Then again, I don't think any of the next-gen systems are truly worth a purchase right now (even though I have a Wii).  By the end of this year, though, each system will have some good games that could make them each worth it to someone.


If your only choices are PS3 and Xbox360, then yes.  Otherwise, no. 
I'd rather play PC games on a PC rather than on a PC masquerading around as a console.  :P
I am currently working on a homepage...  details to follow.


Gears of War looks pretty incredible though, and I like their xbox live service. Hopefully I'll be picking one up in the next week or two. Although I know when MGS4 drops I'll be kicking myself for not getting a PS3.


I got a 360 on launch day and I'm nothing but happy with it. Dead Rising rules, and if you're a shooter fan, get Gears of War, F.E.A.R., and any of the Tom Clancy games.


I'll have one before Halo 3 comes out, and I'll probably have an XBL Gold account the same day. Halo 2 on XBL owned my soul for quite sometime, and I'm sure Halo 3 will be no different.


I mostly play the shit out of NBA Live '07 on my 360, which is quite honestly a fantastic game.  :)


Really? I hadn't tried it myself, being an awkward white guy the only sports games I usually play are baseball and hockey.

Speaking of which, is MLB 2k7 any good?


I've been playing fight night round 3 every night and it effing pwns. And I usually hate sports games. Best graphics in a video game I've ever played hands down. Still havent fired up gears of war yet though.

I'm still playing my 360 that I got at launch in Japan.  I'm pretty impressed with it.

It does rock with the shooters, but there have other good games as well.  PGR3 comes to mind.  Elder Scrolls 4, the sports games from EA, etc.  GoW is good but I was disappointed.  Great graphics and the best sound ever but I don't like the engine on it.  You basically duck and cover, then shoot, then duck and cover, then shoot.  I found you couldn't really be creative in combat with that one.

I've also started to download some games from their online arcade.  Heavy Weapon is awesome.  The cost is about $7 and it's made in hi-def.  You can play it on Live as well with up to 4 other people.  It's a side scrolling tank shooter that looks really good with great sound.  You can get classic/retro games for $3-5 each. 

I've also downloaded a few TV shows and movies.  The prices aren't bad and some of the titles I've gotten were never released in Japan so that's a plus for me.  I have a few Southpark and Chappelle Show episodes that are a few dollars each.  Worth the price if you ask me.

I connected my 360 to my PC and I can stream music from my hard drive to my 360, then play it on my surround sound stereo.  I have about 5,000 songs on my PC.  It's a nice feature to have since before I could only listen to the music while sitting in front of my PC.

So, yeah, the 360 is good in my eyes.  I use it for a lot more than just playing new games.  You can pick up some older titles dirt cheap now as well.  I picked up DOA4 and the first NFS for less than $10 each over here in Japan.  That's when the gaming gets good....


Is it really doing as badly as everyone expected it to in Japan? I figured Blue Dragon might help, but from what I heard the 360 is still lagging pretty bad.


Yeah theres definitely some Live Arcade games I want to grab (SmashTV is one of my fav games of all time). I agree about Gears of War, not your typical shooter and you get smoked if you don't duck for cover every minute. SVC Chaos for XBOX unforetunately wont work on 360, but I think SpikeOut, an awesome beat em up, does so I gotta find that one. I'm gonna get on XBOX Live more frequently when I move into my house, we should all link up and play some games some time.


SpikeOut is pretty tricky to find, but it's pretty fun if and when you land a copy.