Console fanboys bitch too much / Don't understand 'em

Started by FamicomRetroGamer, April 10, 2012, 08:09:45 pm

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Honestly, I don't get them, the graphics on Xbox 360 and PS3 are more than what I would ever wanted to have and yet, the fanboys still want better graphics, why?

Heck, playing Sega Mega Drive feels better than a game with shiny-new-super-amazing-graphics.

This generation did great with online gaming, it really did, just check Xbox LIVE, I love the online social gaming part of it, but the upcoming next gen surely looks like it's going to rot.

I'm not gonna buy new consoles, Xbox 360 + PS3 still have A LOT to offer for me. In fact, I gotta hack my PS3 (haven't done yet 'cos I got 4.11 FW now) to get it to actually use its potential/features (which Sony never bothered to add).

Jedi Master Baiter

People will always complain about something: "not enough buttons, graphics suck, it's not 3-D enough!"

Somewhat relevant


Quote from: Jedi QuestMaster on April 10, 2012, 09:18:34 pm
People will always complain about something: "not enough buttons, graphics suck, it's not 3-D enough!"

Somewhat relevant

Uncyclopedia is golden, it's like Encyclopedia Dramatica, except that Unyclopedia is actually funny.

As for console fanboys? They've been one of the biggest jokes of the internet for years... PC gaming fanboys are just as bad, if not worse. By this point, the real console fanboys, for the most part, bite their tongue to save themselves the embarrassment of being known as idiotic mindless fanboys. Many of the people you see making comments online that are in the nature of a console fanboy, are simply trolling. Either way, they're scumbags.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


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Quote from: L___E___T on April 11, 2012, 04:33:27 am
I hate 3rd Strike fanboys the most ;)

They do make me cringe... everything I said in the fighting game thread still stands.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


I had an online 'discussion' once with a guy that thought SF4 couldn't be considered a better game because even though it sold much more, what makes a 'better' game?  How can it be judged as a better competitive game?  I hadn't even mentioned the competitive factor.

To me that's all daft - more people liked and are enjoying the game, it made more money for Capcom and made more fans of the genre = it's a better game.  More people found it 'fun' and rate it above SF3 so take it at that.
Likes and dislikes are subjective, but he was honestly trying to look at the game design scientifically, which is moronic.
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I think that because graphics in modern consoles have progressed so much and are drawing closer and closer to accurately mirroring reality that it bothers some gamers all the more because the graphics "ain't quite there" yet."  There is a principle in humanoid robotics called the Uncanny Valley that states that the closer a robot comes (but still fails) to resembling a human, the more we are repulsed by it.  It would seem to reason that this same principle would come into play with video games too, even if those clamoring for better and better graphics aren't consciously aware of this.  

Personally, I feel a bit put off by how almost human like characters look in new video games.  I prefer more stylistic or cartoony approaches to depicting humans in video games.  Almost human repels me.  As a retro gamer, however, I am exceedingly biased towards pixels, though.   :D  

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You said it - why I refuse to even bother with Bioware games.  I'd rather have real conversations.
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