Cheats on famicom

Started by ramidavis, May 04, 2012, 07:51:22 pm

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I know the game genie was never released in japan, but what about this idea:

  • Get a 60-72 pin adapter and plug it into your famicom.
    Insert your game genie onto it.
    Get your famicom game, and install a 72-60 pin adapter on its pin connector.
    Now, plug that into the top of your game genie.

Any chance of that actually working??

The reason i ask is because all of the sprites you can use in family basic are in the games memory right? So, if you had a way of knowing what values to change,
you could design your own sprites, commodore-like. True, you would need to enter the same cheat codes every time you run the program to get the changed sprite, which would probably be a pain.

[Yes, i am quite aware that all my posts have been about family basic. sue me. :P]

--On second thought, i just found this a little while ago:
Why go through 2 adapters when we have this? 8)


May 04, 2012, 08:08:56 pm #1 Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 05:35:03 am by UglyJoe
Quote from: ramidavis on May 04, 2012, 07:51:22 pm
I know the game genie was never released in japan

Except that there is a 60 pin Game Genie:

Quote from: ramidavis on May 04, 2012, 07:51:22 pm
, but what about this idea:

  • Get a 60-72 pin adapter and plug it into your famicom.
    Insert your game genie onto it.
    Get your famicom game, and install a 72-60 pin adapter on its pin connector.
    Now, plug that into the top of your game genie.

Any chance of that actually working??

Yes, that does work.

Quote from: ramidavis on May 04, 2012, 07:51:22 pm
The reason i ask is because all of the sprites you can use in family basic are in the games memory right? So, if you had a way of knowing what values to change,
you could design your own sprites, commodore-like. True, you would need to enter the same cheat codes every time you run the program to get the changed sprite, which would probably be a pain.

A few problems with this approach.  One, Game Genie codes only affect reads between 0x8000 and 0xFFFF (the PRG-ROM address range).  Unless the game is using CHR-RAM and loading the graphics from the PRG-ROM address space, you wouldn't be able to change the graphics*.  Two, Game Genie limits you to only three codes, which means you couldn't change nearly enough to "design your own sprites".

I believe that Pro Action Rocky has the same limitations (not sure how many codes you can use at once...).

Also, FB does let you combine any four 8x8 tiles to build one 16x16 sprite.  You can also choose from a range of different palettes.  Not quite the same as drawing your own sprites, but you can mix things up a bit if you know how to do it.

* edit: For clarification, you probably would be able to change some colors and move some 8x8 tiles around, but you wouldn't be able to create your own 8x8 tiles.


Well if you put like 3 games genie carts, can you put 9 codes? I heard it was possible.


Really?  I'll have to give that a try sometime ;D


This is the kind of nerdy topics I hope will attract people to buy my Family Basic...   ::)
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").

Parodius Duh

yeah....Game Genie was definitely released for the Famicom.

I dont think you can string game genies together and expect it to work. It would be cool if it did though.

and Ive never seen a person so all about Family Basic. ha!


It's a technicality. He didn't say it wasn't released for the Famicom. He said it wasn't released in Japan. The 60 pin game genie packaging certainly doesn't look like kanji to me. :D