JC's Extras for Sale/Trade

Started by JC, March 07, 2007, 03:11:19 pm

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i'd be interested in Dodgeball, but don't really the whole lot.


SMB10 works, SMB14 works up to the game itself, then bugs out. And I don't know that I'm willing to split up the Kunio lot just yet, but if you PM me an offer, maybe I'll expedite my thinking.


Hello JC I am new to Famicom World but I do have feedback located here:
Anyways, I am interested in purchasing both Mario pirates, Son Son, the yellow game next to Saint Seiya, and possibly your Micromachines and Frogger aladdin carts.
Interested in NES Famicom Gameboy N64 etc. If you wanna trade me (or buy) here is my list of available items http://gametz.com/usertab/NesBoy43/tab/AllAvailable.html

Jedi Master Baiter

Sorry to burst your bubble, Nesboy, but that Frogger is an Atari 5200 cart. :-\


Jedi's right. If you're still interested in that one, let me know. I'll try to get back to you tonight about the rest of the stuff.


LOL sorry for being a noob, sorta looked like an alladin cart, well you could either reply or email me anytime, thanks for responding :-) if you wanna trade my list is in my signature
Interested in NES Famicom Gameboy N64 etc. If you wanna trade me (or buy) here is my list of available items http://gametz.com/usertab/NesBoy43/tab/AllAvailable.html


Hey JC, my computer was acting up when I sent message so I just wanted to tell you what I wrote:  I asked how much it would be shipped for Super Mario 14 and Micromachines
Interested in NES Famicom Gameboy N64 etc. If you wanna trade me (or buy) here is my list of available items http://gametz.com/usertab/NesBoy43/tab/AllAvailable.html


PMed you back. :)

And I've updated my list with new pics and a couple of new things.


Updated and added two items with no pics. I think there's more to add, but my mind isn't working right now...too early here. :P


I see your selling your ASO sample cart! ;D I always wanted some kind of NES proto, so I'm really intriguided and was just wondering how much are you selling it for? :)


Hmm. I don't remember what I paid for it...I should keep track of that so I don't lose money. So, let's see...I'd let it go for $80. Yeah or nah?


I would SO buy it from you, but I just don't have that 80$ right now. :'( Do you remember paying alot for it? :)


Well, it's likely I'll have it for some time, unless someone who collects Famicom samples/protos comes along. If you ever have the money and still want it, let me know. I think I paid about $80 for it, because I remember at the time seeing another one for about $110. Neat thing about them is that they're numbered. I forget what number mine is but it's on the site.


Yeah I would really appreciate it if you could keep it and I would pay you 80$ as soon as I get it. :)