Technical and Repair Assistance

Started by b3b0palula, September 10, 2006, 01:08:43 am

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Either that or it isn't getting the 1.21 Gigawatts of electricity needed for the PRG and CHR ROMs to work properly. Check for lightning bolts around the 7805 voltage regulator.
Also the system may not be reaching the necessary 88 mph of acceleration.


LMAO too funny can't stop laughing.... hahahahhaha!
Retro Gaming Life


I did what you guys said and ended up having to relive the last three days. And my game still doesn't work!

*grumble grumble*


Do you have the same problem with other carts, or just that one?



Try opening up the cart and just inserting the board. You should be able to get a little wiggle room that way--try moving it from side to side and see if you can get it to work.  It sounds like the pins on the board aren't aligning correctly.


Didn't seem to do anything. One thing of note is that sometimes when I put the game in and press the reset button the color on screen changes and will do so every time I press reset.


Did you try flipping the board around? I had a pirate cart that was in the cartridge backwards and didn't work until I flipped it around. If that doesn't work, the board is probably damaged.  :-\



Have you tried it with various adapters--like a Game Genie, 60 pin to 60 pin converter, etc? Maybe it'll work that way. I'm out of suggestions. Maybe someone else on here has a different idea you can try. Good luck!


I tried it in my NES. Unfortunately I don't have either of those other things... though a Game Genie is on my list. Looks like this copy of Rockman 6 will be my display copy.


If you bought it off ebay or know the seller, see if you can get another copy or your money back. That sucks, man!
Rockman's awesome! I'm just discovering the games; I have a 6-in-1 multi-cart with them all on it. I never played Mega Man or Rockman before I got this cart, so I find the games incredibly tough and somewhat frustrating.


Yeah... I was super excited about it too because it was the last one I needed for the complete set. But hey, it's all part of the fun of collecting!


I see you've got an original cart with proper ROM and mapper chips. There's hope, unlike those gloptop things.

Possible causes:

1) Bad traces from cart edge connector to ROM chips - the easiest to test and fix. Use a multimeter to check continuity and repair any trace that doesn't conduct.
2) Bad ROM chips, possibly electrostatic discharge or a faulty console killed them. You could get somebody with an EPROM burner to program some new ROMs for you and salvage your cart.
3) Bad mapper chip. Hardest, since it's probably surface mounted to the board you'd need a hot air gun (or LOTS of patience and skill with a soldering iron) to remove it, and you'd need the same mapper chip from another cart.


Thank you, sir!

I'll do what I can. Why are the right solutions always so complicated!? :P