Technical and Repair Assistance

Started by b3b0palula, September 10, 2006, 01:08:43 am

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Thanks, it worked! Why didn't I think of that before?


As some of you have probably noticed I've had several problems with my Twin Famicom these past few months and I've come to one conclusion...its alive. Day before yesterday it refused to load any disks no matter what they were. I was getting Battery and disk read errors all over the show. Yet 5 minutes prior to switching it on I'd spent a good few hours on the NES which is sat right next to it.

Forward another day and I switch it on to try works. Every disk loads, no problems whatsoever. Then this morning I decide to have a go on Earthbound (just bought a pirate NES version) on the NES, finished and went back to the TF. Its happening again!

Just got back from work, turned the TF on and it worked perfectly. I honestly think its jealous of the NES. I'm going ot have to seperate the two  >:(
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What weird behavior is that?  :D

Maybe the TF is intimidated? ;D


Or maybe the TF is sabotaging itself to stay as far away as possible from the NES, so it doesn't have to explain it's horrible past...

According to Famicom Dojo that is :P
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -

Ken Tama

January 22, 2009, 02:50:46 pm #679 Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 02:10:09 am by Ken Tama
I just got in my new Famicom disk system, which is a 7201.  It has a new belt on it.  Out of the box it gave me an error 22.    I tried to adjust the motor speed but that didnt work.   Then I tried to calibrate the spindle (I think that is what it is called.  The piece of metal that sits on the post.)  Am I  missing something with webpage.  I followed the directions to a T.  The only part that is not really clear to me is  when he adjusts the head. I get confused at the end where he says "Put the screws back in."  Why does he rotate the gears?  Also,  In the part that says "   Rotate the head with your fingers and pararell it as shown left. Tighten the screw back with the L-end wrench. Make sure you don't overtight the screw. Just tight enough so it doesn't move around."  Is he talking about rotating the head where the screw is 180 degrees turned from the original marking dot physically on the post?

I got my other one to work like a charm, but this one is giving me some problems.
I know this is kinda a novel, but any help would be appreciated.

Edit:  I just saw that the head screw has the wax taken off.  Is there a proper way to adjust this screw, or do you just tighten and loosen it and cross your fingers?

Last Edit!!!!:   I got it to work finally.  The head screw needed to be adjusted.  Just as a side note error 22 tighten the screw.  27 loosen or adjust the motor speed.
The president has been kidnapped by ninjas!


Quote from: nintendodork on January 22, 2009, 10:15:19 am
Or maybe the TF is sabotaging itself to stay as far away as possible from the NES, so it doesn't have to explain it's horrible past...

According to Famicom Dojo that is :P

I've just gone and bought a Super Famicom. I'll have to sneak it into the house without the TF seeing it  :'(
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Well, my Famicom's RF switch is done for. I always unplug the system when I'm done playing because I am scared of black-outs and power outages messing up my Famicom. Anyway, my RF switch, my ONLY ONE is busted. My dad helped me open it up, and the little copper wire that keeps the thing in working order is ka-putt. I looked on eBay for RF switches, but the only ones I find seem to come with their own Famicoms, never on their own. So, I made this topic for two reasons:

1) Is there any way to fix my RF switch?
2) Are there any alternatives, perferably one that dosen't involve going to
    Japan for a new one? Like, maybe an RF switch I could find here in the U.S.?
Would you please sign my petition? Hopefully, it will get Another Code R released in America. The link is here:


Try Radio Shack, a game store, or a Goodwill or similar thrift store. They are pretty cheap. A NES RF will work perfectly, too.


You could do a search on too, also, NES RFs are compatible with Famicoms.  So you can switch between the consoles with one RF if you want.  But I've seen them on Amazon for as low as 24 cents ;)  Good luck :)
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Why not fix it? You already opened it up and found the problem.


He asked how to fix it, shed some light on us Mr. Hertz!
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Wait, I can really use an NES RF switch?  :o I thought that fried the system! Or am I getting that confused with something else? Anyway, yes I opened up the RF switch, but I lack the soldering gun needed to mend everything back.
Would you please sign my petition? Hopefully, it will get Another Code R released in America. The link is here:


You're thinking of the AC adaptor. The rf switch is fine to use.  ;)
Unless, of course, you initially meant your AC adaptor fried instead of rf switch. I never heard of an rf switch breaking, but it is possible, I suppose...


That means I could keep the Famicom AND TV plugged up at once... YAY! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Hopefully I can get my original RF switch fixed soon, but for now... I'm gonna be plugging up my Famicom with my NES RF switch. 'Scuse me.  ;D
Would you please sign my petition? Hopefully, it will get Another Code R released in America. The link is here:

Trium Shockwave

I really wouldn't bother fixing the Famicom RF switch if you have an NES one. The NES ones are better anyway. In addition to having a standard coax passthrough, the NES one seems to suffer less interference.