n64 passport

Started by kite200, March 07, 2007, 10:01:38 pm

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March 07, 2007, 10:01:38 pm Last Edit: March 08, 2007, 08:21:23 pm by kite200
I have this little cartridge adaptor for nintendo 64 which allows one with a n64 system to play games from other regions. In addition, it also doubles as a cheat device like a gameshark or action replay. In fact, even if you didnt need the adaptor part its a cheap alternitave to buying an action replay. Its also a cool collectable. Its just the cartridge, im missing teh box and manual. I'm asking $3.00 US plus shipping. Shipping within the united states will be 3 dollars and shipping outside the united states will be 8.00 airmail. Thanks for looking, you can email me at zorahk@gmail.com


If I lived in Europe, I'd find this a great bargain. :)


I found out some more about it. It also allows people with an american console to play Japanese games and vice versa, so you can actually play games from any country

Jedi Master Baiter

So how is the bottom shaped, then? :-\ The only thing that kept people from playing games from other regions for the N64 was the differing indentations on the bottom of the carts.


it has all the indents


Quote from: Jedi QuestMaster on March 08, 2007, 11:24:10 pm
So how is the bottom shaped, then? :-\ The only thing that kept people from playing games from other regions for the N64 was the differing indentations on the bottom of the carts.

The only thing that kept me from playing most N64 games was the fact that they sucked :)

Jedi Master Baiter

Quote from: madman on March 09, 2007, 10:52:33 am
Quote from: Jedi QuestMaster on March 08, 2007, 11:24:10 pm
So how is the bottom shaped, then? :-\ The only thing that kept people from playing games from other regions for the N64 was the differing indentations on the bottom of the carts.

The only thing that kept me from playing most N64 games was the fact that they sucked :)

What? Screw you you. There were plenty of good N64 titles. Most of which were never released. :P



I said most, not all.  All of the good games were Nintendo/Rare.  Most of the rest were shit.


I would probably go as far as saying Mario 64 changed the way video games were made/played. Without N64 and that game todays games wouldn't be the same.


when you say who made good games you forgot konami.....GOEMON!!!


Quote from: vealchop on March 09, 2007, 02:20:42 pm
I would probably go as far as saying Mario 64 changed the way video games were made/played. Without N64 and that game todays games wouldn't be the same.

I'd debate that...I mean eventually someone would've come up with the same idea.  But yes, Mario 64 was quite innovative, it's just most of the games on that system were pure crap due to the junk hardware in the N64.  I have an N64 and enjoy a handful of games on it, but it doesn't come anywhere close to having as many good titles as the SNES or GC.


Come on, doesnt anyone want a lonely cart converter looking for a good home?


I'd own an N64 over my GC anyday of the week...   but that's not saying much.