2 Games I need the name for

Started by ZOoOpS, June 01, 2012, 07:02:42 am

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I am new to this forum, so hello all. I have two cartridges I need the name of the game for. I use Moby Games to look my stuff up as I resell it here in my shop and online in South Africa.

No. 1 - It has its name as D.J. Boy on the cart and in the game. You play a boy on skates jumping around, but I can not find the game on Moby Games. Is D.J. Boy its real name?

No. 2 - It calls its self Ninja 3 in the menu on the cartridge, in the game the name is in Chines, see the attachment for the title screen and an in game picture.

Thank you.


No.2 = Ninja Hattori-kun:


Welcome ;D

Next time if you want to identificate games, use this topic  ;)
