Most heart felt snes game experince you have ever had

Started by BonBon, September 26, 2012, 03:36:17 am

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Hands down for me its always been illusion of gaia read the entire story line to my little sister while she watched me play the entire game I was like 16 she must have been 4 or 5. heart felt moments in that game. Fucking epic


Playing Super Double Dragon. I just bought it because I thought the music was the best I'd ever heard in a game at the time, but... it turned out to be my favourite beat 'em up ever. That game blew me away.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Street Fighter 2.  Hearing Guile's theme fo rthe first time and getting to the bosses.  OMG.
My for Sale / Trade thread


I remember when I first played Super Mario World on the SNES when I was really young and I got to the SPECIAL WORLD, one of the messages that displayed went something like "Congratulations player, not many have made it this far or even know about this World" and I remember smiling like a dope thinking how much of an achievement that was- and then I realized that all my friends got there too after talking with them- and then the internet happened. Needless to say, my confidence was shot that day  :-[
"Consider your origins: You were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge." - Dante Alighieri


The first time I "heated up" in NBA Jam. I'd never been so hot before!


Playing Super Probotector that I had lent from a videogame lending shop. I had it for my pocket money for three days and had to make the most of it.
The moment I learned how to draw both weapons at once!!! A a a a a h!
Next two months I was trying to draw the robots from the game's cover. I still have these drawings somewhere!
Bought that game only recently, I think at least 12 years passed since !


My for Sale / Trade thread


The first time I ever played the SNES(I was a Genesis guy back then). My friend had just gotten the new(at the time) Zelda game, it blew my 5 year old mind.


The first game that made me cry: Super Metroid.

When the baby hatchling came to save me and was killed in the process. I couldn't help but shed tears and mash the controller with anger to kill Mother Brain. Mind you, I was only eight years old at the time....
Famicom Disk System: The More You Play It, the More You'll Want to Play


I have been saving Super Metroid to play all these years and that's one hell of a spoiler :)
My for Sale / Trade thread


You need to watch the opening to Metroid: Other M if you haven't yet.

The baby....


I'm trying to forget that game ever existed. Team Ninja turned a bad ass bounty hunter into an emo, whiny bitch. Add to that some of the shoddiest controls I've ever played with(try going from 2D to 3D to launch a missile in the middle of a frantic boss fight or enemy wave), it was the WORST Metroid game I've ever played.....
Famicom Disk System: The More You Play It, the More You'll Want to Play


What? I really liked it! It is what Metroid Prime should have been! The story is great and Samus is not whiny or emo in the Japanese version at least (which is 100% dual language with Japanese and English btw). I would say she is like she always have been. And Samus can actually do platform jumping properly unlike in the FPS-like Prime series.

Shooting a missile is like the first-person view in the 3D Zelda games when you shoot with your bow but the game slows down so you get more time to aim. But I often go into first-person mode in the wrong direction and it takes forever to turn around in first-person mode (just like in Prime) so I have to use sensemove dodging a lot.

I don't understand why Samus can't absorb life- and missile-energy from enemies any more though.


Quote from: JohnnyBlaze on October 18, 2012, 08:53:03 pm
I'm trying to forget that game ever existed. Team Ninja turned a bad ass bounty hunter into an emo, whiny bitch. Add to that some of the shoddiest controls I've ever played with(try going from 2D to 3D to launch a missile in the middle of a frantic boss fight or enemy wave), it was the WORST Metroid game I've ever played.....

I happen to like whiny, emo bitches. Jut sayin'


I just remembered:

Would wanting to strangle your best friend with the SNES Controller cord after he beats you with no life left in Street Fighter II count in this topic?
Famicom Disk System: The More You Play It, the More You'll Want to Play