Do The Famicom Box Games work on an NES?

Started by okame, October 20, 2012, 07:51:12 pm

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I've seen some of the games that came with the Famicom Box they had in Japanese hotels for sale on eBay, and I wondered if they play on NES systems and my Retron 3 clone. They look like NES carts, and they apparently don't play on Famicom systems. Am I right, or do they just work if you have a Famicom Box system, which is WAY over my budget!


I've heard conflicting reports on whether it is possible or not.  The most common response is "no, it won't work".  However, I've read anecdotal evidence that the only difference between FamicomBox and NES carts has to do with which pins are used for the lockout chip.  As such, there are claims that it will work fine on an NES with the lockout chip disabled or on a top loader NES.  If that theory is correct, then it should also work on Famicom systems with a pin adapter, as the Famicom has no lockout chip.


October 21, 2012, 03:20:11 am #2 Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 08:18:48 am by L___E___T
I bought one recently and will give it a test.  
I didn't think they worked, but I have a famicom and pin adaptor to run a quick test.  
Give me a few hours to dig everything out :)
My for Sale / Trade thread


They work just fine on an NES with the lockout chip disabled/toploader. It also worked fine in my Famicom with a pin adapter.


October 21, 2012, 08:10:04 am #4 Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 08:16:50 am by L___E___T
Yup, photo evidence:

The thing with the famicombox/ station is that it doesn't play regular games.  From the sounds of it you could rewire a game to work, but it seems a lot of work for a small benefit.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Thanks for the replies. I'm not getting one any time soon, as the cheapest I've seen them for is $40. I has a Retron 3, not an NES, so as long as it doesn't have a lock out chip, I should be fine. I was just wondering if they worked. I'm curious about these things at times.


just pull up that single pin on the nes board to disable the lockout and they will work.


Quote from: VinylDracula on October 25, 2012, 12:27:28 am
just pull up that single pin on the nes board to disable the lockout and they will work.

Some tech reading about that "mod" :