help with "Seiken Psychocalibur - Majuu no Mori Densetsu"?

Started by ramidavis, October 22, 2012, 08:23:54 pm

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I was wondering if anyone knows where i could get either a english patch file for this game, or knows where i can find a decent english walkthrough for it?
Looks like an interesting game, but i have no idea what i should be doing.


Thanks for that, joe!
Any clue if the audio tape that came with the game is online someplace?
googling "Seiken Psychocalibur - Majuu no Mori Densetsu tape recording" turns up nothing useful.



I have the tape and could upload it if it's OK.
And if it is, any tips of a hosting site I could use?


If you email an MP3 or FLAC of it to , I can host it on the FW server.