March 03, 2025, 01:56:53 pm

Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Started by manuel, November 07, 2012, 08:31:02 am

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I just downloaded the new Animal Crossing.  :mario:
At first I got errors, but then the whole thing was downloaded in about 20 minutes. Quite painless.
The game is a lot of fun so far. But I can't sell all the stuff lying around (mushrooms, fruit and some shells), because all shops are closed.  :-[

The 3D looks really good on this one!
Anybody here planning to get it when it comes out in your region?


Definitely getting it when it comes out in the US.  Gotta make another Totoro flag :D

I normally wouldn't buy a retail title in the online store, since I like having a physical copy, but I know I'll play the game a lot more often if I don't need the cart.  Probably gonna download it.


Oh wow I had no idea this was out in Japan! I'm definitely going to pick this one up once it reaches the states - I hope its better than City Folk/AC:Wii.
"Consider your origins: You were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge." - Dante Alighieri