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Super 8 Adapter

Started by MarioMania, November 10, 2012, 09:51:32 am

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I'm getting one next week, But

I need some pics of the Mod, To get Super FX Games and the Super Game Boy running on it

I heard great reviews from satoshi_matrix about it


November 10, 2012, 05:30:02 pm #1 Last Edit: November 10, 2012, 06:12:37 pm by ulera
Doing critical math homework right now, so I can't spare the time to dig and find it in my message folder right now, but I have what you need and will get it to you sometime tonight.



use a multimeter to check the connections between the pins. Bridge anything that's broken with solder or wires. make sure you work far enough away from the pin connectors so solder never touches the interior of your system's pin connector. Just be smart about it.


November 16, 2012, 12:59:11 pm #3 Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 01:05:40 pm by MarioMania
Looks like the easy fix. I see it on the left...I don't know how to solder,,,would tape do it with small IDE Cable??


Using a soldering iron isn't rocket science. it's simply a iron that heats a point of metal that then melts a metallic-like substance called solder. You don't need to spend much - a standard 6watt soldering iron and a small spool of solder should cost no more than $10-15 altogether.

Before you being to fix try out soldering on junk electronics - go to a thrift store and buy a crap radio, vcr, whatever. Or ask relatives, friends, neighbours, whatever it takes. With some junk electronics, you can learn how to solder effectively. The general rule is that less is always better. You don't want to apply too much solder

Also, look up youtube videos. There's plenty of teaching tools online so you really don't need to be too afraid of soldering.

All that said, don't be an idiot - the key solder in soldering iron is iron. If you are absent minded, you can easily give yourself a nasty burn, destroy what your working on, or even cause an electrical fire. Remember, safety first. I don't want to hear you ended up in hospital because you lit your hair on fire or something  ;D

Seriously though, just be careful, gain some basic skills working on junk electronics first and this mod will be a breeze. Remember not to apply the solder in the brightly lit parts of that image as those are the actual contacts that go into the system. You don't want solder in there.