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Goodbye, Wii.

Started by petik1, November 17, 2012, 04:45:12 pm

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In this thread, we reminisce.


The only Wii item I own is my awesome Wii Kiosk.
I will probably buy one when they are inevidably worth $40.


Quote from: The Uninvited Gremlin on November 17, 2012, 05:33:16 pm
The only Wii item I own is my awesome Wii Kiosk.
I will probably buy one when they are inevidably worth $40.

In Canada, we call that day "Boxing Day".

The rest of the world simply knows it as the day after Christmas.


By far my favorite game on my Wii ;D

Jedi Master Baiter


I don't think it's goodbye yet is it?  Is it being phased out already?  Usually there's some overlap.
My for Sale / Trade thread


They said there will be a transition period, but I think that's BS. Nintendo published their last game for it a month ago (Kirby compilation), meaning there probably won't be anything worth buying.


Nintendo won't be continuing Wii, in fact my local GameStop is selling all Wii games at 40% discount as they are trying to rid themselves of the stock.


I say Last Story is worth getting as it's very much the last of a dying breed.  Whether it's a good game or not is a different discussion but I highly doubt you'll see the FFVII team do another game.  Also, the fact that you get more then just the game with it made it more worthwhile IMO.


Quote from: The Uninvited Gremlin on November 17, 2012, 05:33:16 pm
I will probably buy one when they are inevidably worth $40.

Go for it. Hack it, get a USB hard drive, and it will become one of your favorite consoles.


I'll never forget how amazed I was by motion controls in was a simpler time.


I never bought many Wii games, and for a system I camped out for after working a full eight hour shift only to work another 8 hour shift right after I got my Wii, I've got mixed feelings about it.

On the one hand for me the promise the Wii would forever change gaming has been mostly unkept. I don't really care about graphics too much, but for me the indisputable winner this era has been not the Wii, but the PS3. I'm quite selective in gaming, but even so my PS3 library dwarfs my Wii one.

On the other hand, the Wii has given one of the most soulful game experiences I've ever had - Fragile Dreams.

Please, if you haven't already, check out my review of this ultra hidden gem.


Quote from: satoshi_matrix on November 18, 2012, 11:20:19 pm

On the one hand for me the promise the Wii would forever change gaming has been mostly unkept. I don't really care about graphics too much, but for me the indisputable winner this era has been not the Wii, but the PS3. I'm quite selective in gaming, but even so my PS3 library dwarfs my Wii one.

Admittedly, there were some good games for the PS3. Biggest problem; load times and software updates. If I wanted to wait ten minutes to play a game, I would plug in the Neo Geo CD. Forget CG cutscenes, I just want some good ole gaming action.


I don't think its far to compare even the PS1 load times to the Neo-Geo CD  ;D

I'm not a PS3 fanboy by any means - the system has its share of faults, but I don't think load times are that bad. Not nearly what they were in the PS1 days. Updates are optional - you don't have to do them if you dont want to. Yes, a lot of games require you to install data which can take upwards of a half hour first time you play it, but that's all to reduce load times.

Given the option, I'd gladly wait once rather than wait every time.