I found a Super famicom hooked to a game doctor at Goodwill

Started by Ninjanick999, December 15, 2012, 09:02:47 am

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I found a Super famicom hooked to a game doctor sf3 at Goodwill:

I find it odd that someone dropped off a Super famicom with a game doctor off at Goodwill.
The disk drive may need to be replaced in the game doctor, but other then that every thing works fine.

That Guy from Faxanadu

Yeah,that´s a cool find! Is it hard to replace the drive?


I think that the Game Doctor uses a standard computer drives.


In fact it does. You can even replace it with a USB floppy drive emulator if you want to.


USB floppy emulation might work well, because floppy disks seem to be hard to find nowadays.

But of you use USB floppy emulation then DP has took over because there is no floppy slot, and you can't "copy that floppy" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up863eQKGUI).


Some advice if you're going to use a floppy emulator. You need to modify it to be able to use multi-disk games. It's a simple mod, just a switch. I have a floppy emulator for sale is you want it. PM me if you're interested.


What do you have to do to mod them? Do you have format your usb drives a special way in order for it to work properly?


Just going off on memory, but I want to say yes, the USB drive need to be formatted so it has individual 1.44 mb "folders". The mod, I think, only requires a SPDT switch and some wire.


How hard is it to set-up the USB floppy emulator. Would it be easier to put a normal floppy drive.


To physically install the thing in the Game Doctor? Exact same as a floppy drive. The only extra steps are to run software on a pc, and format a usb drive.


That is one of the best hauls I have seen from a Goodwill in a long time. That is of course ignoring the rare paintings and huge wads of cash that the news has been reporting people discovering this year there. Sadly, my local Good wills all suck.


When I went they were stocking stuff. If you can find out when they stock there new items, you might be able to find some good things. When I was there it was around 1:40 on a Saturday. Goodwill is very random, you can go to one once and not find anything and go to the same one on a different day and find some thing cool. If you have multiple Goodwill sores near by go to the one that has the biggest electronics section.


My Goodwill absolutely sucks. $30 for a PS2, $35 for a PS1. Ha.


The local thrift store here has a single Atari 2600 keypad controller (with no overlays) for $70.  The rest of their gaming stuff is priced a lot more reasonably, though.