InviteNES Famicom flashcart now available for preorder

Started by Tricky, January 10, 2013, 12:46:44 am

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The admin is currently taking preorders by PM. The price is 4700RUB/$154.81/£96.71, which, if google translate tells me correctly, includes shipping.

I don't know much about the cart myself, but the maker is reputable, and from the little I've followed of the development of this cart it already has good mapper, FDS and NFS support  :)


Looks interesting but I have to be honest and say I don't like dropping £100 on a Russian forum (where I can't really follow up easily, perhaps at all).  
If they were available right now and people had sucess stories and good reviews I probably would.
My for Sale / Trade thread


ouch... this translates to ~124eur
there is a cheaper version available that costs 4200RUB but it suck IMHO. It does not have USB but the main issue is that it does not have the needed parts to hear the extra audio that some games have... the author says that they will work but you won't hear the extra audio from the cart chip. Pointless IMHO to get this version.


i was unable to register. All my emails had been rejected :'(


I assume like the everdrives the buyer will have to sacrifice another game's shell and make some holes for the sd/usb to use it...


Just seems way too expensive, considering you can get a Powerpak and adapter for much less, and krikzz has his FC Everdrive on the way in another month, and will likely retail for ~$80 US. Unless it can do something amazing that the others cannot, I see no value for the price.


The powerpak is inferior to InviteNES and KRIKzz said that the NES Everdrive will cost as much as the n64 cart, that's 99$ not 80$.  So add the usual 5$ shipping charge from we are looking at least at 104$.
Ofcourse it might cost more or less (less I doubt judging from the cart's components), for now all we know is that the price will be at the 99$ range.


My for Sale / Trade thread


^ I was kinda let down to see him write on the forums that he did no FDS work so far and that he is considering it for a future update  :fire:
As of now InniteNES does seem the better card


If I could buy one through a reseller and have confidence (as well as a shell) I'd surely buy one.

Preorders, for a Russian site?  Sorry, no offense but it's risky to me.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: 80sFREAK on January 11, 2013, 01:44:19 am
Nice photos, BUT... it's just PCB. Which shell it will fit?

just a little picture from one of developers..
sorry my english.


Quote from: L___E___T on January 11, 2013, 04:40:26 pm
If I could buy one through a reseller and have confidence (as well as a shell) I'd surely buy one.

Preorders, for a Russian site?  Sorry, no offense but it's risky to me.

I would pre-order in jiffy if I had the funds available atm... after taxes and extra taxes  >:( I have to wait until payday for money to burn  ;D :fire:


January 12, 2013, 06:18:56 am #12 Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 06:34:51 am by L___E___T
Quote from: 80sFREAK on January 12, 2013, 02:54:40 am
Do you think resellers will work with zero comission? Plus doubling shipping and transaction fees.

I didn't talk about any of that.  Who (apart from friends) works on no commision?  Double shipping is a given.

I still think I'll hold out for Krikkz's version, unless someone here can get one of these, give a readable review and provide some information.  What I'm saying is I would like one and I have money put by for Krikkz's cart/PCB, but if this is better and I feel I can trust it, I'd go for it.  I wasn't asking someone to swoon in and offer to buy it for me, take on the risk and then have me pay back for it with no commission or recompense.  I have friends on here that have helped me out, but I also have contacts I regularly pay commission to as proxies or buyers to find things I'm looking for in Japan.  If I actually do ask someone to help me out with something, I'm fair about it, so it's surprising to see assumptions thrown out like that.

My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: 80sFREAK on January 12, 2013, 04:02:26 pm
2 aodinets so the shell is any chinese cart?

I think not only Chinese, but also standart and large Jaleco cart.
Like that:
sorry my english.


January 13, 2013, 05:34:29 pm #14 Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 05:45:19 pm by ramfactory
Quote from: Tricky on January 10, 2013, 12:46:44 am

The admin is currently taking preorders by PM. The price is 4700RUB/$154.81/£96.71, which, if google translate tells me correctly, includes shipping.

I don't know much about the cart myself, but the maker is reputable, and from the little I've followed of the development of this cart it already has good mapper, FDS and NFS support  :)

No pre-orders it does not accept, it is sold in small lots Pts these devices for Russian users, the price with delivery. Already sold out by the way, in February or March can be ordered in store.

Post Merge: January 13, 2013, 05:45:19 pm

Quote from: famifan on January 10, 2013, 04:33:52 am
i was unable to register. All my emails had been rejected :'(

Try again, spam list corrected.