Sharp Twin Famicom RBG mod

Started by Elrinth, February 07, 2013, 01:44:30 pm

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So it has come to my attention that A / V doesn't do the cut. To me it looks good, but it seems I can get even better image quality if I do an RBG mod to my Sharp Twin Famicom.
So now I'm out looking for resources. Anyone got any tips?

Already have these three resources:


80sFREAK sure. But I'm curious about the jailbars problem.

Did Drakon successfully ever mod his system as he says in this thread?


Ahh found another nice resource:

Now to write down what I'm going to need exactly.


you might want to see about getting a rgb to component board from
most nes/famicom guide's do not give you that great of a picture from images that i have seen.
Or you can order a kit from drakon if you want composit,s-video, and rgb.
that's  just my .02$


I will follow 80sFREAK's guide. Just need to understand what additional stuff I need to buy. It's mentioned what kinda stuff needed in his guide, but not any kind of indication where to get them ;)


I tried the rgb mod on my Sharp twin famicom with a playchoice 10 PPU.

Famicom part was a succes, however Disk system part was out of order with the rgb mod,  with a "pixelled" screen.

I gave up finally, I didn't find and solved the problem. I asked Drakon help but no reply.


Quote from: Pit on February 09, 2013, 02:53:23 pm
I tried the rgb mod on my Sharp twin famicom with a playchoice 10 PPU.

Famicom part was a succes, however Disk system part was out of order with the rgb mod,  with a "pixelled" screen.

I gave up finally, I didn't find and solved the problem. I asked Drakon help but no reply.

The only part you remove is the RF right? So the A / V should still work. So for disk system u can be okay with A/V but for famicom u can use rgb, right?


I don't know, I didn't tried the av out when I did the rgb mod.


Quote from: Elrinth on February 10, 2013, 11:36:23 am
Quote from: Pit on February 09, 2013, 02:53:23 pm
I tried the rgb mod on my Sharp twin famicom with a playchoice 10 PPU.

Famicom part was a succes, however Disk system part was out of order with the rgb mod,  with a "pixelled" screen.

I gave up finally, I didn't find and solved the problem. I asked Drakon help but no reply.

The only part you remove is the RF right? So the A / V should still work. So for disk system u can be okay with A/V but for famicom u can use rgb, right?

The composite "yellow" jack  would not work unless you converted the rgb from the ppu to composite .
If it was me I would just desolder both jack's and but, stereo jack's were the av jack's are and have dual mono.



I need to dig up this old thread and add some notes! :)
So, I still haven't modded by Sharp Twin Fami yet. However, I ordered an RGBMOD from viletim's webshop two days ago. It's a pretty new mod, I actually think this will be some kind of second revision of the mod. Like he made minor adjustments. You can read about it here and buy it here.
I bought a RGB cable aswell from his site which works with the mod as I don't have any extra rgb cable myself.

This site pretty much contains all mods right now:

I'll throw up some images when I've done the mod.

Kind regards, Elrinth


Have a look and see if Vile Tim's new kit works with the twin fami.  Steer clear of Drakon though - half the help, a quarter the quality and twice as expensive.
My for Sale / Trade thread


yeah that's one of the sweet things, supported consoles:
* nes front loader
* nes top loader (supplied board #1)
* sharp twin famicom (supplied board #2)

the original famicom isn't supported just yet, but I'm guessing it's not too far away.


Quote from: Elrinth on January 10, 2014, 06:17:22 pm
the original famicom isn't supported just yet, but I'm guessing it's not too far away.

You can install it in the original Fami but it's a complete pain in the ass (at least it will be until Tim releases the proper adapter for it)