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Last game you played?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:54:18 pm

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Right now im playing mortal kombat for genesis. I FORGOT THE SAUCE!!!!
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...

Jedi Master Baiter

Quote from: UglyJoe on August 27, 2009, 07:57:28 am
Import, no.  Export, you can run a mini-to-mini from the DS's headphone jack to the line-in on your computer to record the audio.  There's no real PC interface, though.

That's cool, though.

I love messing with that kind of stuff.  Especially on the road when you get bored.


Just finished call of duty modern warfare on pc and i am now playing black on xbox  not a bad game for it's age it still has that wow factor when you take a break after an hour playing


August 29, 2009, 10:51:25 am #1758 Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 10:57:42 am by Jollie
played hang-on for my SMS last night...I beat Twin Galaxies Records on it.
Old Record:1,624,750
My Record: 1,704,930
now to do it on film again.

heres a screenshot.

Great Fox will cover you.


Did the level indicator glitch out?


i guess yeah. :D oops i went 17 rounds so i guess it doesnt register that difficulty.
Great Fox will cover you.


LSDJ, really getting into it now.
My for Sale / Trade thread


>_> Lucky. Where did you get yours?
( ยด_ゝ`)


I saw a copy on ebay a few days ago. It was a fair price, too.
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The trailer for Sakura Note made me want to pick this game back up.  I'm referencing a walkthrough this time, though, since I never had any idea what I was supposed to be doing in that game.


Secret of Evermore on the SNES... Loved watching my dad play it when I was little.
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Wii Sports Resort and Wii Sports.


Retro Gaming Life



Tried that, too, but my eyes hurt from the scrolling.
Tried it 3 times and my best is only 1822m.