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Last game you played?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:54:18 pm

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My for Sale / Trade thread


Sunman (NES)

Pretty decent, if unpolished in some places. (Not that I can complain too much about a lack of polish on a game that wasn't actually released.) I'm definitely enjoying my new repros.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


I think Sunman is quite fun.

I was testing some multicarts and ended up playing Yie R Kung Fu for ages - really fun once you discover all the little tricks and patterns you can do with the moveset.  I ended up just playing hit the shuriken with the girl after completing a couple loops.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Strangely enough, Skyrim (PS3)

I bought one for the girlfriend for Christmas, and had to test it before hiding it.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Pharaoh (PC game)
great city building game from Sierra.


A couple first-time victories in the past few days...

Super Genjin (Super Famicom) Just beat it an hour ago, really great game. At times the levels seemed like they dragged on a bit too long, but I'm glad I persevered, because the payoff was beyond satisfying.

Ganbare Goemon 2 (Super Famicom) Beat it twice, once as Ebisumaru (my favorite character), and once as Sasuke. Without a doubt, this is now among my all-time favorites. Just exceptional.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Genesis)
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


If I can ask - what's your favourite shield?
My for Sale / Trade thread


I briefly tested a handful of NES games I got in a recent trade this afternoon. The unusual ones were Monster in My Pocket and Dirty Harry. I'll need to see MimP to the end someday soon, because that's really a lot of fun. Dirty Harry is a piece of crap that I had the misfortune of growing up with and trying to get into as I enjoyed the movies. The NA challenge still needs Dirty Harry beaten, but I don't think I'd have the patience to put any serious time into this thing. The controls are just so stiff and irritating.

It seems a couple of them don't work unfortunately, which is odd to find two defective NES carts in a lot of 8 games. One of them was Godzilla, and I was so looking forward to playing that I wound up pulling my collection copy of the shelf and playing through the second half of the game.


I'm not nearly as familiar with Sonic 3 as I am with the first two. I do greatly enjoy the changes to the shield powerups, but it's hard to say which is my favorite as I've not played the game nearly enough. I do like the surging effect of the fire shield, and it's neat how the electric shield sucks rings to you. And it was very convenient to not need to breathe underwater while carrying a water shield.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Nazi Zombie Army 2  - Finished in 4 hours... :/


Bee 52 (NES)

I'm trying to beat it for the NA challenge; I've played it pretty seriously over the last three days. I got to stage 12 today.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


I started playing Etrian Oddessy 2 and I've been playing animal crossing wild world at the childs demands!


Abe's Odysee (Oddworld) , i played that PC game when i was kid (at the end of 20th ct.) and wanted to try it again


I took another crack at Bee 52 earlier today, and wiped out on stage 12 again. I was actually very close to beating it, though: I got the last of the honey, and was racing back when time ran out and I died. I unfortunately burned through my last three lives before I could replace the last three spots of honey, since that level is very difficult without weapons upgrades (and you lose them all every time you die).

I also spent much of the last couple of hours playing some good old Spider Solitaire on the PC.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


November 11, 2013, 09:36:02 am #3584 Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 10:01:21 am by smeghead
Poseidon : Master of Atlantis (PC), what an interesting game! hmm.. i'm playing a lot of games these days 8)

Post Merge: November 13, 2013, 10:01:21 am

Now i'm on Max Payne 3! it's one of the best games i ever played  8)