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Last game you played?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:54:18 pm

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And they STILL don't have Battletoads.


It's their shitty business strategy for ripping of modern gamers. They see the large flows of cash moving modern consoles so that's all the work with. Floor space costs money and it would take alot of floor space to cater to all systems. And how could they justify giving the same trade in amount for a NES and 360 game to the average consumer. I don't like what they do but they have their reasons. Just never trade in a used game there. The on;y plus is that if some one is dead set on only getting ten buck for their gamecube or 9 for their copy of motorstorm I just offer them the same anoiut in cash and they take it. It takes the bargaining aspect out real well. I used to feel bad about how gamestop rips off people on trade ins but not anymore. I will tell a customer straight to his face that the trade in value on their game isn't good but they STILL insist on doing it. How can i feel bad about it if i have told them it's a bad idea and they still do it.


So what do they do with the old games people trade in/sell?


If it is scratched up we ship it to the "wharehouse" as my managers say. I have no idea where it is but they resurface games and repair broken systems there. If everything is in ok shape we just slap a sticker on the box, file the disc and put the box out on the floor. We don't take in "old" stuff if that's what you're asking about. We only accept trades/sales from the 2 newest systems from each company. Ex. PS2 & PS3, Wii & GC, and XBOX & 360. I just realized I could get fired for writing about working there. That would be messed up.


Yeah I'm anti trading in at gamestop but sadly I used to trade in a lot before  yeah I was stupid.... I wonder what gamestop does with the old games they never sell.
Retro Gaming Life


As improbable as it sounds we end up selling every game(from what i've seen in the year i have worked there). No matter how bad of a game it is someone will buy it. Ex.- In the build up to the new Madden 09 we sold out every Madden title, including stuff as old as the 2001 version. The bulk of consumers will buy anything. Don't ask me why though. People end up buying it all. You have to keep in mind that any individual store doesn't have that many games. We only have what you see on the shelves. There is no storage warehouse of games any more. If one store closes they ship their games to another store. So each store doesn't really have alot of games to sell out of.


Yeah I can see that. I usually never go to the gamestop at the mall. I stop before the mall and head to one in a very secluded area. I find the best games there and a ton of old gameboy games that the other stores don't have. I have to head there more often.
Retro Gaming Life


The off beat ones don't get the constant flow of regulars who come everyday looking for some grail or another. Stupid thing is that most of the games that are so hard to find are easy to get online and cheaper than what we would sell them. I don't see why they don't just look on ebay. Just from my observations from working there, there is still a large percentage of people that have no idea about shopping for there stuff online. They just wait to get ripped off in person by GS or some one else local. It's not exactly hard to start an ebay account.


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Singstar, the game is fun as hell.


Yakuza! I just got to chapter 9 last night, Besides working that's all I did all weekend. Can't wait for the sequel!



Bionic Commando: Rearmed. The best remake game I have ever played.


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